Chapter 53- A Speedy Recovery

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"Do you have a pla-"


Iida and Yaoyorozu wince, covering their ears as Present Mic's quirk invades the entire arena. The sound eventually dies down, allowing Iida to speak once more, though both of the teen's ears are ringing.

"Judging on Present Mic's quirk, I believe he will remain at the exit, where he probably is now, and attack from there. I'm not sure how far to the side his quirk reaches with his directional speaker, but I believe it will be best if we stay on the edges of the area, out of direct line with his attacks," Iida immediately explains, not giving Yaoyorozu much of a chance to say anything out of fear that Present Mic will attack again and drown out his plan. He realizes that he's not considering Yaoyorozu, and so stops for a moment to look at the girl. "Do you have any suggestions?" He asks, his hand chopping the air urgently. Yaoyorozu hesitates, unsure of herself.

I was completely useless in the Sports Festival... how will this be any different? Iida pushes up his glasses, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"In order to pass, we must work as a team and stay coordinated. Please, speak up if you have any ideas!" Yaoyorozu nods, sighing slightly to herself in disappointment. Iida turns, continuing into the forest, staying close to the edge as he had mentioned before.

"HHHHHHEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Though Iida's assumption was correct, and the sound isn't as unbearable on the edge of the arena, the pair still crouches down in surprise, clutching their ears, in pain. "COOMMMEEE OOOUUUTTTT!!!" Present Mic yells, his voice shaking everything.

"I'd imagine he's as loud as Mount Krakatoa!" Yaoyorozu hisses, her eyes squeezed shut as her hands cover her ears.

"Do you have any plan at all?" Iida asks once more, getting desperate. "I could use recipro burst to run past him, but I'm worried about his quirk! If I don't make it past him, he could burst my eardrums! Plus, then he'd know our location!"

"I..." Yaoyorozu bites her lip, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I'm no help to you." Iida opens his mouth but closes it before he says anything, turning instead to the source of the sound.

"I'll make a run for it, then." Yaoyorozu nods, her hands clutched together near her chest. Iida doesn't hesitate anymore, using his quirk to burst forward, his speed unparalleled. Yaoyorozu remains where she is, watching as he quickly fades into the underbrush. She sighs, bowing her head as her past defeats pile up on her.

"I FOOOUUNNNDDDD YYYOOOUUUUU!" Yaoyorozu finches, but quickly realizes the yelling is fainter than before.

"He must've taken a longer route so he wouldn't know where I was..." She whispers, tears nearly welling up her eyes.

He believed in me, and here I am, being useless. Yaoyorozu looks up, narrowing her eyes. No. I won't leave him there. She lunges forward, running as fast as she can, quickly creating a small object. After a few minutes of sprinting, she comes to the clearing, breathing heavily.

"YYEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Present Mic screams, Iida only feet in front of him. The boy is on the ground, hunched over as his ears bleed heavily. Yaoyorozu holds her breath, struggling to not join him in protecting her own ears. She shakes her head, clearing it as she creates headphones.

This was such an obvious solution! She smiles as she places the headphones on her head, glad that they actually cancel out the majority of the noise Present Mic is creating.

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