Chapter 77- Who are They?

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"Come on! You heard what she said, didn't you?" Kirishima's voice is heavy with desperation as he tries to reason with Vlad King. "I can't let them get my friends! You gotta let me go find them, please!"

"Not a chance," Vlad King growls, his tone is cold but his actions clearly show that he is just trying to protect the boy.

"But why not!?" Kirishima begs for a concrete answer, his eyes search for any solid reasons. Deep down, he knew why he couldn't rush out there. That would be foolish. But at the same time, he knew he couldn't sit around doing nothing while his classmates were out there risking their lives.

"Calm down, Kirishima," Yumehara whispers, her voice strained as she tries to hold back tears. She had been a background character in the first half of the school year, she knew Saiki didn't care about her, no matter how much she wanted him to notice her. Now she was regretting not trying harder to earn his love. She had confidence in Saiki's abilities, but there's an entire villain entity after him. Who knows how long he can last?

"Shouldn't we send more help?" Teruhashi asks, her blue eyes damp with tears as well. She gently rubs Yumehara's back, hoping to calm her classmate. They may not be close friends, but Teruhashi can understand the stress Yumehara is going through. After all, she's going through it too.

"You really want to risk your precious life like that?" Saiko questions, an eyebrow raised as he analyzes Teruhashi, who nods determinedly.

"See? Teruhashi gets it! Even Mr. Aizawa said to fight!" Kirishima argues, though Vlad King stands his ground.

"Only for self-defense. He meant the students in the woods." His authoritative tone silences the students, though Kirishima still lets out a low, upset growl. Thanks to the class being silent once more, they're able to hear the click of the doorknob as someone tries to enter.

"Was that the door?" Sero questions, his gaze darting to the entrance of the classroom.

"I guess Mr. Aizawa is back already," Ojiro comments, a hint of uncertainty laced in his words.

"Finally. He'll understand!" Kirishima's brow furrows as he takes a step toward the door, only to be blocked by Vlad King.

"No. Wait up," Vlad grunts, his arm across Kirishima's chest. He narrows his eye as a shadow falls on the door to the classroom, its silhouette lacking the long hair and winding scarf Aizawa dons. "GET DOWN!" He yells, reacting quickly as blue flames burst through the door, lapping hungrily at the students. He was able to pull aside Kirishima and Yumehara, he can only hope that the other students had listened to his warning in time. Teruhashi's gasp of surprise calms Vlad's worry, and Saiko's piercing scream proves he's alive- it's not one of pain but one of fear. The flames dissipate, their creator stepping through the now charred doorframe. Vlad takes the moment to ensure the students are safely behind him, sighing in relief when he sees no serious injuries.

"It's a villain!" Yumehara gasps, her voice heavy with fear. Dabi, who had taken the brief moment to assess the situation himself, raises a hand, blue flame hovering over the scarred tissue.

"YOU'RE TOO SLOW!" Vlad yells, lunging forward and smashing Dabi against the wall. His strength allows him to have no difficulties picking up the young adult. He releases blood from his arm, allowing it to flow around the villain and solidify to hold him in place.

"Blood control... so strong!" Kirishima mentions in awe, unable to hold back his short fan moment. It's soiled very quickly by a certain blonde, however.

"Just as I'd expect from our teacher!" Monoma gushes, his hand forming a fist in front of his face. His smile is large as his teacher proves to be just as strong (well, stronger, in Monoma's eyes), as Aizawa. Vlad ignores the compliments, his full attention on the villain before him.

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