Chapter 32.5- Alternate Endings

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I would do all the fights again but that's too much work. I'm hoping to get the actual chapter out tonight, but I just got back from out of state and I may fall asleep. We'll see. XD


"IT'S RIKI NENDO OF CLASS 1-A VS. SHOTO TODOROKI OF CLASS 1-A!" The crowd breaks out in cheers as the pair makes their way to the middle, Nendo absentmindedly playing with Ramen, his pet cockroach. Todoroki stands with his hands in his pockets, occasionally glancing at the overly sized glowing man in the stands.

I will win this, without your blasted quirk.

"What are you looking at, buddy?" Todoroki flinches slightly when Nendo appears behind him, his breath leaving the air moist as his mouth hangs open near the heterochronic boy's ear. Todoroki glances away from his father, turning to Nendo, who is once again in his spot in the arena.

What was that? Can he teleport like Saiki?

"Do we have to fight? I don't want to scare Ramen." Nendo pouts, playing with the insect's antennae. The insect starts chirping, much to Todoroki's concern.

Is it... stridulating? The boy shivers, cursing his superior knowledge.

"BEGIN!" The cockroach suddenly chirps louder, raising its wings and spraying its back. It turns away from Todoroki, presenting himself.

What. The. Fu-

"Aww, look! He wants to play! Won't you play with him?" Nendo runs toward Todoroki, who desperately backs away. Nendo trips, outstretching his arm and sending the creature flying. Todoroki doesn't hesitate, using all his ice and blasting it toward the insect. Nendo is buried, head in the ground as ice freezes over him. Todoroki, his breath heavy and his arm frosted, carefully searches the arena for the true opponent.

"Nendo is immobilized! Todoroki wins!" Ramen suddenly appears behind the winner, landing on his head and nestling deep in the red hair.

Todoroki freezes, his blood running cold.

He ignites his flames, yelling in disgust. At that moment, he doesn't care about his father. In fact, the man might as well not exist. Nonetheless, Endeavor smiles, proud that Todoroki is using his superior quirk, even if it is after the match. Ramen, startled by the sudden heat, jumps off Todoroki, squeezing under the ice to find his loving owner. Todoroki stares at the ice, his eyes wide and his face twisted in disgust.

"Nopenopenopenopenopenopidynope." Todoroki walks off the arena, his hands in the air. "NOPE."




"He's not incorrect, Kuniharu."


"ANYWAY. WHO WILL WIN?" The crowd cheers as the boys appear in the arena, Todoroki walking in normally and Saiki teleporting. Both have their hands shoved in their pockets, seemingly indifferent about the match.

"It will be interesting to see how our quirks rival each other," Todoroki mutters, only loud enough for a mind-reader such as Saiki to hear.

This won't be much of a fight.

"We'll see."

"BEGIN!" Todoroki starts the match with a bang, creating a huge ice spike that covers half the arena. A smug look covers his face when silence fills the arena.

He used up his teleportation. If I remember right, it's limited.

Nice try.


The ice suddenly cracks, exploding into small pieces to reveal Saiki in the middle, unharmed.

"How did you?"

Did you really think you could go against me?

Todoroki clenches his fist, lighting up his left side.

That stupid cockroach taught me that if my life's in danger, I must use this quirk, no matter how I loathe it.

The arena's air changes quickly, a loud explosion pushing all back as Todoroki's flames strengthen. He chuckles, watching his hands as both ice and fire engulf him.

"I'll show you who's stronger." Saiki rolls his eyes, not impressed. He mirrors Todoroki, creating fire with his own left hand and ice with his right.

You're not special. Todoroki's jaw drops as he watches Saiki, who seems to have much more control over the powers Todoroki possesses.


Hey, don't blame me for having the better power. Todoroki narrows his eyes, rage gleaming in his gaze.


Believe me, I would if I could. Todoroki yells in anger, thrusting flames toward Saiki. Saiki flies up, easily dodging the flames. He raises his arm to the sky, a beam of energy blasting into the beautiful blue sky. Cloud quickly form, thunder rumbling loudly and lightning striking threateningly. The rain downpours on the arena, drenching Todoroki's flames. Saiki remains completely dry, not a drop of water getting past his telekinetic umbrella. He remains levitating over his opponent, looking down on the dual-colored hair boy as if he were a mere eight-year-old.


What can't I do?

Todoroki, soaked and pissed, creates ice that freezes the air, causing the rain to turn to ice as well. Saiki rolls his eyes, surrounding himself with a force field. The ice does nothing to him. Instead, it falls on Todoroki, who can't counter it due to his left side being drenched. Saiki rolls his eyes when the boy doesn't give up, sending another blast of ice toward him. Saiki teleports behind Todoroki, quickly chopping the back of his neck and causing him to fall over, unconscious.




The two boys stand in the arena, neither making eye contact.

I don't want to fight you.

Believe me, I don't want to fight you either.

You wouldn't win either way. Bakugo smirks, holding back a chuckle.

Yeah, I know. I'd still give you a run for your money though.


So... are we cool?

That's up to you to decide.

I think we are.

I'm glad. Both boys smile, happiness in their hearts. I'll explain everything later. I promise.

Thank you, Saiki.

"BEGIN!" Neither boy attacks. Instead, they calmly walk forward, meeting in the middle. Saiki reaches his hand out, Bakugo not hesitating to take it, wrapping his fingers tightly around Saiki's.

"Let's not fight anymore," Bakugo growls, failing to hide the excitement in his heart.

Deal. The pair walk off the arena, leaving the crowd in awe as both cross at the same time. 


Remember, none of these actually happened. I just thought you might like to know what would happen in a fight between Saiki and Todoroki, and I thought I'd throw in the others because why not.

Also, the alternate ending of Saiki vs. Bakugo was a suggestion by Poseidonkid5

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