Chapter 73- Who's First?

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"Kota?" Time seems to slow for Midoriya as he remembers the reason he is fighting. This boy lost everything. He shouldn't have to lose his life as well. Not like this. Midoriya feels power coursing through his veins once more as he pushes back against the villain, gritting his teeth in pain. "I WON'T LET YOU HURT KOTA!"

"DAMMIT! HOW ARE YOU GETTING STRONGER?" The villain yells, his muscles bulging with effort as Midoriya pushes back against him.

"YOU WON'T LAY A HAND ON HIM!" Midoriya screams, the true power of his quirk showing as he gets to his feet.

One for All: A MILLION PERCENT! The boy brings his fist back, his adrenaline pumping as he punched. DELAWARE!!! DETROIT!!! SMAAASSSHHHH!!!!! His fist makes contact with Muscle's face, the villain's quirk useless against such immense power. He flies back, smashing into the side of the mountain and falling out of consciousness. Kota tumbles backward in awe, staring at the teen who had just saved his life.

Why? He questions himself, his mind drifting to what Mandalay had told him. "Kota. Your mom and dad, The Water Hose Heroes, it's true that they ended up leaving you behind in this world, but they saved so many lives through their sacrifice. You'll see that someday."

"Why did... you risk your life?" Kota's voice wavers as he looks up at Midoriya, who's completely broken after the fight, but somehow still standing.

"You'll meet someone. Then you'll understand." Mandalay's voice echoes through the boy's mind, his eyes tearing up more. "Why we do this."

"Even though... you don't know me at all... why did you try to save me?

"Someone who will risk their life. Someone who will be..." a hero.

"You're sure they'll be okay on their own?" Kurogiri asks, casually drying glasses as he chats with Shigaraki.

"I'm a non-playable character this level. They'll make it work without me. Besides, this game has totally changed." He voices, his throat dried and his voice raspy. "I've been thinking of it like an RPG. We had some pretty good equips but we challenged the big boss while still at level one. Really, it's more of a simulation game. I'm the player, and I'll use all my little pawns to smash through the hero's ranks. But first I need to make cracks in the superhuman world. That's where the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains comes in. Who cares if these guys win or lose? The heroes will be scared just because they showed up."

"They're sacrificial pawns?" Kurogiri asks, his voice almost a gasp as he realizes Shigaraki's motives.

"Come on. Do you really think I'm that heartless?" Shigaraki asks, acting upset though he's really not. "I'd never underestimate their strength. They may have different goals than me, but they're comrades, nonetheless. In a society bound by ridiculous rules, villains aren't the only ones who are being oppressed." He pulls out a picture from the sports festival, grinning as he gazes at it. One student stands over another, his foot planted on the boy beneath him and his eyes glinting menacingly. Anyone would think he was a villain. Maybe he was, in a past life. "We'll get master's plaything back. Mark my words."

"Hey, look!" Kota clings to Midoriya like a koala, barely staying on as the teen rushes through the forest.

"Mr. Aizawa!" The greenette stops as he meets his teacher, who seems surprisingly awake for just running who knows how far.

"Midoriya?" Aizawa narrows his eyes at his student, who has clearly just fought a hard battle.

"You're here! Thank goodness!" Midoriya gasps, Kota sliding to the ground. "I need to catch you up on what I've learned about the villains, but we don't have much time! Plus, I need to find Mandalay. There's something I have to tell her!"

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