Chapter 14- In Each of Our Hearts

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"That damned kid! How did he defeat my Nomu so easily? He cheated! That's the only explanation! HE'S A FILTHY, GOOD FOR NOTHING CHEATER!" Tomura breaths heavily, sprawled out on the floor with bullet holes in every limb. He sits up, his fingers twitching in annoyance. He fights through the pain to claw at his neck, relaxing slightly as his own blood seeps through his fingers.

"Tomura Shigaraki, you must calm down. We'll have more chances."

"I want that kid dead. I want to see him suffer. And at my own hands. His days are numbered."

A TV in the corner of the room flashes on, a mysterious voice buzzing through it.

"We were merely unprepared."

"I agree. We underestimated them. Thankfully, we hailed under the cheap League of Villains name and not our own." Another voice rasps, adding his opinion through the TV.

"If they were to discover our real name, they would take us a lot more seriously. We must be cautious."

"By the way, where is Nomu?"

"He was thrown into the sun by a student." Kurogiri inserts, his eyes narrowing.

"We truly underestimated them."

"This is a travesty! And after all we did to make him as powerful as All Might! This kid, how strong was he?"

"Stronger than All Might, that little brat," Tomura hisses, his fingers twitching once more. "He deserves death."

"And death he shall get, but you mustn't forget our main goal. We need our assassin back."

"Don't forget I want All Might dead. And that kid."

"You will get what you desire, but you must be smart. Gather the elite. Take all the time you need. I must remain hidden in the shadows, which is why I need you to be my face; a symbol of your own. Tomura Shigaraki, next time, you will show the world that it should be afraid of you."

"Saiki, I think it's about time we had a talk." I turn around, All Might standing before me with Nezu on his shoulder.

What is it?

"Meet us in the conference room after school," Nezu speaks, gesturing towards the main building. "There is much to talk about." I nod, bowing quickly before walking over to where the class is gathering. The police are making sure everyone is alright, though no one is paying attention to them. Instead, they're whispering amongst themselves, occasionally glancing at me.

Saiki is crazy...

He's insane!

He's so powerful.

He's... a god.

Damn. I didn't want this attention. If I'm not careful, the world will look at me like this...

I stare at the ground, my mind echoing with the doubtful and fearful thoughts of others.

...with fear in their hearts.

I sit at the end of a long table, my hands neatly folded on my lap.

"I'm sure you're wondering why we asked you to come..."

You want me to explain my quirk, in detail.

"Oh. Well, yes."

"We would ask your father, but..."

He's useless, he doesn't know of half of my powers.

"We figured." I stare down the table, making brief eye contact with every teacher. Besides father, of course (he wasn't invited). Aizawa is absent as well, his injuries were too severe to make the meeting.

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