Chapter 4- Start Line

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"So this looks fun, huh? You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all going to be games and playtime?" Aizawa smirks, almost evilly, and continues. "Idiots. Today you'll compete in nine physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately." Shock ripples through the class, gasps sound in the air, and jaws drop to the ground as the students quickly realize what their teacher is truly telling them.

It's the first day and he's already threatening us? Though, this may be a good way to get out of this school.

I'm so late! Crap! I can't believe I slept in! I'm so dead!

Don't tell me...

A figure appears in the distance, running at us.

"Huh? Who's that?" Aizawa rolls his eyes, glaring at the figure.

"He, regrettably, will be 'assisting' me in teaching you."


The figure comes to a screeching halt in front of the class, placing his hands on his knees and gasping for air. The class stares at the newcomer, seemingly horrified that this thing is apparently capable of teaching. After a few awkward seconds he straightens himself, his breathing calmed.

"Hello! I'm your teacher," Aizawa growls, causing the man to jump, scared out of his mind of the hero. "Well, your co-teacher, Kuniharu Saiki!" He beams, proudly pointing a thumb at his chest.

"Wait, isn't that Big Lick?"

"He's like, the worst hero!"

"And he's our teacher? Maaannn..."

"Hey, don't be mean, it hurts my feelings." The class continues to mutter about their newfound teacher, most of the conversations being quite negative.

"Come on guys, it can't be that bad!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course he's right! And respect your teacher!" Kuniharu whines, stomping his foot slightly like the child he is.

"Yeah, yeah, fine." The class mutters, still eyeing their teacher with uncertainty.

"Oh, and Kusuo, your mother told me to tell you to do your best today." He gives me a thumbs-up, trying and failing to mask his fear.

If you don't pass this she's going to kill both of us.

Well, there goes that plan.

Yeah, okay.

"Wait, is that your dad, buddy?"

"Big Lick is your dad?"

"That sucks."

"Your quirk can't be any good then, can it?" I ignore the chatting, instead focusing on Aizawa, who looks like he's about to explode.

"Everyone shut up."

"Come on, we'll be starting the tests now!" Kuniharu explains, excitedly shooing the class to the first test.

A race, huh. That's easy enough.

I'm put against the explosive child, Bakugo.


"I'm going to beat the crap out of you, Pink hair." He growls, allowing small spark to pop in his hands. He gets into position, growling when I continue to stand. The race begins and I teleport to the end. My time was far less than a second, of course, which angers Bakugo.

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