Chapter 59- The Mall

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"BUDDIEEESSS!!! YOU GOING PEE PEE?" I sigh, opening my eyes and turning to Bakugo.

We should go back up.

"What? Why?" He questions, not ready to give up this moment.

Nendo's looking for us. The others will probably notice soon too. Bakugo growls softly but nods in agreement, so I teleport us to where we had been before we left the group.

"Oh, there you guys are!" Iida smiles, wrapping his arms around us. "We were having a discussion that you should be apart of." Bakugo snarls slightly, warning Iida to get off of us. Iida removes his arms, sprinting over to the group.

"I'm still so glad that Aizawa is allowing us to go to camp." Teruhashi sighs, her hands near her chest. Her blue hair shines as bright as the ocean, and her skin glistens in the sun, the beads of water running down her only magnifying her beauty to others. The boys in the class are speechless, nodding in agreement.

"We're so glad you can come too, Teruhashi! We all are!" Uraraka smiles, elbowing Midoriya in the side.

"Oh! Ye-yeah! I'm so glad you can come!" Midoriya stutters, smiling awkwardly at Teruhashi.

I've never realized how beautiful she is...

Is it the bikini? Teruhashi has always been beautiful but...

I'd be devastated if she couldn't go to camp.

I would die for you, Teruhashi.

"Anyway," Iida breaks the silence, clearing his throat. "As we mentioned earlier, we were all going to go to the mall today. It was by coincidence at first, but Teruhashi suggested we go as a class."

"Will you guys come with us?" Yumehara begs, her eyes filled with hope.

She's still not over her crush. What a pain.

"You're coming, right, Bakugo?" Kirishima asks, giving a toothy grin. Bakugo rolls his eyes, unable to say no to the redhead.

"I have to go anyway. But I'm not hanging out with you losers!" He quickly adds, snapping at the class, in particular Midoriya and Todoroki. Todoroki shrugs, glancing at his watch.

"I'm not going. I'm visiting my mom today," he mumbles, crouching beside his bag and pulling his shirt out. He slips it on, standing again and bowing to the class. "Thanks for inviting me. I'll see you at camp."

"You're always welcome if you decide to stop by!" Teruhashi smiles, waving as the boy walks away. He stops for a moment, quickly nodding and scurrying off toward the hospital.

"Well, are we ready? Let's go!" Mera cheers, pulling shorts and a t-shirt on over her swimming suit. The class cheers, walking in a group toward the mall. Bakugo and I stay near the back, not able to talk thanks to the idiots surrounding us.

"Why are you guys so quiet today?" Kirishima complains light-heartedly, punching Bakugo's shoulder. "Even Nendo's quiet!" He exclaims, tilting his head at the large teen. Nendo doesn't seem to hear his name; he's too busy searching for a ramen place.

"Why don't you walk with your clone?" Bakugo grumbles, kicking a stone angrily.

"Who, Hairo? We're gonna shop together since we need the same things. So, I thought I'd talk with you on the way there!" Kirishima smiles, completely innocent. Bakugo tchs, annoyed with how kind his friend is.

We finally make it to the mall, which is swarming with hundreds of people, their thoughts a jumbled mess.

"Let's split up! We should divide and conquer!" Uraraka declares, grabbing Midoriya's arm. "Come on, let's go look for some hiking shoes, Deku!" She smiles, pulling the boy along behind her.

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