Chapter 92- He Won't be too Happy

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"When you said this wouldn't be a problem, I didn't expect teleportation. How many quirks do you have?" Midoriya questions, glancing around to make sure we're safe for the time being. This part of the city seems relatively untouched; it's clear that Bakugo left it for him and his subordinates to enjoy.

They're powers, not quirks. I correct, though there's really no reason to.

"Right, right. Powers. Got it. So? How many?" The greenette asks again, curiosity coursing through him. His eyes are wide with wonder as he watched me- it's like he's a child again, looking up at me after I saved his life from that truck. Though the look in his eye is the same as it was in his teenage years in the other timeline... filled with innocence, curiosity, determination...

It's nice to have a bit of the old Midoriya back.

Over 30. Midoriya pauses, his head slowly turning to me. He mouths 'thirty?' in disbelief, his mind rushing with the possibilities that entails.

With that many powers, he could easily take on any villain. Maybe he can even reason with Kacchan. I hope Kacchan doesn't get violent, I really don't want to fight him.

We won't fight him. If something goes wrong I can use my telekinesis to stop him. Or turn him to stone.

"You can read minds?"


"Oh, I do have another question," Midoriya suddenly remembers, though he hesitates as he wonders how to word his question. "You said we went to UA together... was I really going to become a pro?"

Yeah. You were All Might's successor. Had his quirk and everything.

"I... had a quirk?"

You have a quirk. I'm going to fix this. Midoriya nods, but he's preoccupied with the new information.

Me? A pro? With a quirk? I can't even imagine...

We have been walking for most of our conversation, and we're now in a small clearing surrounded by abandoned shops. In the center is a statue of Bakugo, his hands on his hips and an evil smirk on his lips. It doesn't look exactly like him, but anyone would get the general idea.

He really went for it, huh.


"God I hate him!"

Shh, enemies ahead. Midoriya nods, instinctively lowering his body and using the statue as cover. He can't hear the villains, but he seems to trust me.

"If you hate him so much, why don't you just kill him?"

"No, he can't do that. The boss would be mad."

"Who cares? That was Shiggy's spot, not Baku's."

"Don't call him that."

"Would you prefer I call him "King Explosion Murder?" God, it's so tacky!" I can recognize the voices from when I was with the league... it's Toga, Dabi, and Shigaraki. They're getting closer, Midoriya can hear them by now.

There are three, their quirks are transform, cremation, and dissolve. They're what they sound like.

"Who's the weakest? I'll take them."

The girl. Before I can give him more information, he runs out, a terrible plan, but it works in his favor thanks to its suddenness. He tackles Toga, using superior weight and strength to keep her on the ground. His knee digs into her back as one hand holds her wrists behind her, the other one pushed against her head. Dabi reaches a hand toward the greenette, though he pulls back when he realizes attacking with his quirk would fry Toga as well. In his moment of hesitation, I throw him to the ground with telekinesis, placing his hands on his head to make sure he doesn't try to use his quirk. Shigaraki growls in annoyance, scratching his already very red neck.

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