Chapter 57- Preparation

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I sit in the conference room once more, a large group of adults staring at me, worry in their minds. Behind me stands a statue, its pulsing muscles and gray eyes a little too realistic.

"It's so... life-like," Cementoss mumbles, staring into the rock's eyes, gently brushing his hand against it to ensure that it is indeed rock. The other teachers nod in agreement, shocked by what had occurred just moments ago.

"Can you reverse this?" Nezu questions, resisting the urge to scramble up and stand on top of the statue. I shake my head, pushing dad's slightly too large glasses up to secure them on my face once more.

He'll return to normal in 24 hours, but until then we have to be very careful. If his statue breaks, he dies. The room sits in silence, allowing the knowledge to settle in their minds.

"One push and poof! He's dead!" Kuniharu adds, creating an explosion motion with his hands. The back of his hand smacks All Might's chest, causing the sculpture to lean dangerously backward, threatening to fall out the window and plunge to the cement far below. All of the teachers jump to stop this from happening. I catch All Might with my telekinesis, causing all of the teachers to sit, calming themselves.

"Why aren't you wearing your glasses? You could've killed All Might!" Present Mic voices, scoffing at Kuniharu's carelessness.

"And why do your eyes look like fours?" Midnight adds, disgusted with her fellow UA staff member.

"Hey hey hey hey! Don't look at me! Kusuo took my glasses!" The teachers turn to me, somehow only just now noticing the glasses on my face that are quite obviously not mine.

The only way to stop my stone-gaze is to block it. Hence the glasses. The teachers 'oh' in understanding, though none of them are completely satisfied.

"Saiki, I think it's time we know all of your quirks," Nezu hums, clearly frustrated.

"That's basically impossible. I've lived with him his whole life and I don't know all of them!" Kuniharu cries, throwing his arms up dramatically. He pauses when he notices how tense all of the teachers are and looks behind him to see All Might's tight smile, anxiety flowing from it. The man slowly brings his hands down, taking two cautious steps away before running to the other side of the room.

"Well, Saiki?" Nezu questions, ignoring my dad.

He's right. It would take too long to explain every power. You know the major ones anyway.

How can he have more powers?

Is he really this strong? He even beat All Might!

How will anyone compete with this kid?

Can I go now? The room jumps, startled by the interruption of their thoughts.

"Oh, yes! Of course. Off you go!" Nezu smiles, shooing me out of the room.

We have important matters to discuss, I just wanted to ensure All Might's safety.

"Are you curious, Tomura Shigaraki, about this boy, Kusuo Saiki?" Kurogiri asks, handing his leader a picture.

"This brat is all I fucking think about any more. How is he so damn strong?" The man is interrupted by a small bell, its ring echoing throughout the gloomy room.

"Shigaraki!" The intruder greets, not bothering to say hello and instead getting straight to the point. "Your "League of Villains" has been the talk of the town for the last several days! Word on the street says you're about to start something big!" Shigaraki closes his fist, the image in it crumbling to dust.

"Who did you bring?" He questions, not in the mode for small talk. The man chuckles, stepping aside so the others can enter.

"So, it's really you, huh?" One man, in his mid-twenties, his face is marred with scars, the seemingly only thing holding him together being staples, mumbles, tilting his head. He doesn't seem impressed at the supposed leader before him. "I've seen you in pictures. But I gotta say, you're way grosser in person."

"Wow! It's the weird hand guy!" A teenage girl with messy blonde hair and a sadistic gaze cheers, moving her hands excitedly in front of her. "Your friends with my hero Stain, right? Cool! Let me join the League! I wanna be in your group!" She finishes, her hands by her innocent-looking face.

"Kurogiri? Get rid of these two! I can already tell they're exactly the kind of trash I hate. A brat, and a guy with no manners."

"Now, now, Tomura Shigaraki. They came all this way, the least we can do is hear them out. Give them a chance. Besides, this broker is respected in the underworld. They're bound to be valuable assets."

"Like them or not, you still owe me a Finder's fee. In cash. I suppose I could introduce them before I go...." The man takes out his cigarette, motioning to the teen. "This one looks like an adorable high school girl, right? She's actually the suspect in a series of deaths where the victims all bled out! So far, her name and face has been kept out of the media."

"Toga here! Himiko Toga!" The girl smiles, excitedly placing her arms by her chest. "Life is too hard. I just want to make it easier to live in this dumb world! I wanna be Mr. Stainy! I wanna kill Mr. Stainy! Come on, handy-man, please let me join your League of Villains!" She leans in, a blush covering her face as she thinks about how satisfying Stain's limp body would be.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Is she crazy?"

"Well, she can hold a conversation! For the most part, at least." The broker explains, turning from the girl to Shigaraki. "Come on, she can be useful! And this guy hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he's taken Stain's ideologies to heart."

"I don't like this. Is your group really dedicated to the Hero Killer's mission? I can't imagine you are if you won't let this little psycho join you."

"Grow up. She may be a psychopath, but at least she knows how to introduce herself to people. Don't just stare, what's your name?"

"Right now, I'm known by Dabi," he responds, not willing to give out any more information.

"No, I want to know your real name!" Shigaraki insists, to no avail.

"I'll tell you when you need to know it. In any case, my new purpose is to carry out the Hero Killer's will."

"That wasn't what I asked you, patchwork. Jeez, why is everyone so hung up on Stain? He's all I ever hear about. Every damn day!" Shigaraki stands up, a little tipsy from the alcohol but still sober enough to pose a threat to his guests.

"No, don't do it," Kurogiri mumbles, his request drained by Shigaraki's anger.

"It's really pissing me off!

"Wait," The broker smiles, holding his hand up. Shigaraki, out of nothing but pure curiosity, listens, though his fingers are twitching to kill the idiots before him. "I saved the best for last." Out of the darkness steps another teen, this time male, his shaggy blonde hair drooping over his eyes, but not hiding his enormous grin.

"And who the hell are you?" Shigaraki growls, annoyed with this guy's face, though resisting attacking until he's sure he hates him.

"I'm Kusuke Saiki. Kusuo's brother." 

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