Chapter 63- Arrival

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The class stumbles into camp, barely managing to stay on two feet, yet alive.

"You said it would only take three hours!"

"I guess we timed it on how long it would take us. Sorry."

Bull. With your quirks and just the four of you, the only way you'd make it here that much faster is by not having to deal with Pixie-Bob's quirk. Mandalay glares at me, angry that she has no counter-argument, seeing as I'm correct.

"Man, I'm starved!" Mera complains, gripping her stomach as she sits on the ground. Kirishima nods, his stomach growling in agreement.

"I thought it would take you kids even longer! But you did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would! Though you had a bit of help..." Pixie-Bob narrows her eyes at me for a moment, before turning her attention elsewhere. "You four were really great! You seem to have a lot of experience!" She licks her lips hungrily, her claws still pointing toward Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, and Bakugo. "I CALL DIBS ON THESE KITTENS! I'LL GROOM THEM MYSELF!" She screams in excitement, pouncing over to inspect the teens.

"Has... she always been like that?"

"She's gotten worse lately... she's at the age to take a mate."

She's not an actual cat, you know.

Just say she's horny and get it over with.

"Speaking of age..." Midoriya speaks up, his voice dry with thirst.

"Choose your next words carefully," Pixie-Bob warns, her claws gleaming in the sunlight. Midoriya gulps, pointing to Kota.

"I've been wondering, who's that kid? What's he doing here?"

"Oh, this little guy? He's actually my cousin's son, he just lives with us now," Mandalay explains, not daring to go into any more detail. "Don't be shy, Kota, say hello to everyone. You're going to be around them for the next week." Kota doesn't move an inch, his glare staring into the near distance. Midoriya makes the fatal mistake of challenging the boy by approaching.

"Hi, there! My name's Midoriya, I'm from the UA High School's hero course. It's nice to meet you!" Midoriya reaches out a hand, expecting Kota to take it, but instead gets something far different. Kota, his face like a statue's, punches Midoriya, walking away as the boy screams in agony. Hairo runs over to support his friend, though he knows there's nothing he can really do to heal the boy's pride.

"Hey, that was uncalled for! Come and apologize like a man!" Hairo calls after Kota, not daring to leave Midoriya's side.

"The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes." He growls, glancing at me before lowering his gaze and shuffling away.

"That brat's got spunk." Bakugo smiles, proud of the boy he has only just met.

"He's like a mini version of you," Todoroki mumbles, unfazed by Bakugo's angry reaction.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You need to shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell!"

"Yeah, sure."

"Enough playing around," Aizawa orders, grabbing the attention of the class. "Get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you can bathe and sleep. Tomorrow, your training starts in earnest. You'd better get a move on."

After throwing our stuff into our rooms, the class rushes to the cafeteria, not caring what food there is. Mera and Kirishima shovel rice into their mouths as if they haven't had any food for a month, and Nendo devours the uncooked ramen he had brought for emergencies. Bakugo and I sit next to each other, Bakugo straining not to be too aggressive with his food as he eats his beef. I chuckle to myself, reaching across him to grab some eggrolls. He leans back a bit, blushing when I catch him staring at me.

Is the beef good? I ask, trying to avoid any awkwardness around our peers. He nods, placing another piece in his mouth and chewing.

"Smo good," He says around it, savoring every last bit of flavor.

Good. I mumble, taking some for myself.

It beats shoe.

We finish eating quickly, almost as fast as an American might, and head to our rooms to relax.

"Guys! We should go to the hot springs! It'll really help us relax after what we went through today!" Hairo announces, his eyes bright with excitement.

"Me? Sharing water with plebes? Count me out." Saiko scoffs as he scrolls through his phone on the king-size bed his servants had brought during dinner.

"Come on, man! It'll help us bond as a class!" Kirishima says, his eyes bright with hope. Saiko rolls his eyes, clearly uninterested.

"Will Teruhashi be there?" Nendo asks, clearly not understanding hot springs. Her name makes Saiko perk up, though.

"Ohh, you may be on to something."

"Huh? What am I on?" The majority of the class turns to Saiko, their eyes filled with curiosity.

"Teruhashi will be on the other side of the fence..." Iida gasps, chopping the air angrily.

"YOU MUSTN'T EVEN THINK OF SUCH THINGS! It's demeaning to stoop so low!"

"Is it though?" Saiko asks, a smirk on his face. "This is Teruhashi we're talking about. Anyone would give anything to be so close to her naked.

"Ridiculous! This is ludicrous reasoning!"

"Then let's just go down to relax. We may not have a chance after tonight, after all!" Hairo reminds the group, determined to be a good class rep.

"He's right! We should go!" Kaminari agrees, tossing his shirt to the side and grabbing a towel.

We can't pass up this opportunity! The boys all agree, disrobing and heading to the springs.

"Are you coming, Bakugo? Saiki?" Kirishima asks, stopping at the door to turn back to us. I shrug, glancing at Bakugo.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Bakugo grumbles, getting to his feet. Kirishima nods, closing the door as he chases after his other friends.

I'm panicking I'm panicking I'm panicking what do I do? I smirk, stretching before standing up.

This'll be interesting.

"H-huh? What will?"

All of the guys want to see Teruhashi. I'm honestly not surprised, but I wonder what will happen.

Of course, he wasn't talking about me, jeez.

"Yeah, can't wait to see how she manipulates them this time." He scoffs, taking his shirt off and tossing it aside.

Damn. I try to ignore his build, and, though it's hard to do so, I think I manage.

"Do you even have a reason to go to the hot springs?" Bakugo asks, knowing full well that I'm in no pain, that heat would help with.

Honestly? I just want to see you.

"Well, here I am." He growls jokingly, outstretching his arms to show off.

There you are. I whisper, teleporting behind him as I do so. He jumps at my sudden repositioning but relaxes immediately as I run my finger along his shoulder blade. I stop myself, shaking my head in confusion.

What is he doing to me?

Come on, let's join the others.


I did it! I'm done! Time to sleep. 

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