Chapter 34- Oh, Iida.

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Midnight nods to herself, content with her work.

"I'm done here." She waves a parting goodbye as she slides opens the door, causing Kuniharu, who had his ear pressed against the wood, to tumble into the room. Midnight casually steps over him, squeezing out of the classroom just before the door slams shut, smashing my father's foot, and quite possibly breaking it, due to the unusual strength behind them.

"Doesn't that usually stay open?" Kuniharu whimpers, holding his foot close as throbbing pain courses through him. The class shrugs, doing their best to stifle their laughs.

Maybe it's mad you disrespected your son. Kuniharu's eyes widen as he glances at me.

I'm so sorry, Ku...suo. I won't do it again. He bows to me, much to the class's confusion, before standing up, shaking his foot in hopes of renewing blood flow to the appendage. "Now we can talk about internships! Isn't this exciting?"

"I'll be taking over now."

"What? But I haven't done anything."

"Neither have I. Just go sit in the corner or something," Aizawa mumbles, shooing the puppy-eyed Kuniharu away. He nods to himself, satisfied with his actions as his co-teacher turns to the corner.

"Now that everyone's decided on their code names, we can talk about your internships. They'll last one week. As for who you'll be working with, those of you who are on the board will choose from among your offers. Everyone else will have a different list. You have a lot to think about. There are around 40 agencies across the country who have agreed to take on interns from your class. Each agency has a different specialty that its heroes focus on. Keep that in mind." The class nods, silent in awe at the fact that Aizawa hadn't shown one sign the entire monologue of tiredness.

"Think like Thirteen! You'd want to choose somewhere that focuses on rescuing!"

"No one asked you, Big Lick." Aizawa snaps tiredly, pointing to the corner.

"Right," Kuniharu pouts but does as he's told.

"Think carefully before you decide," Aizawa concludes, handing out papers as the lunch bell rings. The students start chatting happily, growing silent for a moment as Aizawa mentions one last thing. "Turn it in before the weekend."

"We've only got two days?"

"That's no fair!"

"We'll just have to do our best!" Hairo cheers, happily going through his offers. Kirishima nods, turning to his own paper.

I hope we share an offer. I'll follow Hairo no matter what!

I wonder what offers Kirishima got... I bet they're so cool!

I roll my eyes, standing up to go to lunch. Most of the students stay behind to chat more and go over their offers with each other.

"Hey, buddy! Where are you going?"

Anywhere that you aren't.

"Ohh... is there ramen there? Can I come?"


I teleport into the hallway, sighing as Iida speed walks by.

I will avenge you. I'll get this guy, Tensei. I promise.

Is that really the best idea?


"Oh, Saiki. I didn't uh... see you there."

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