Chapter 95- Exams

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"I can't believe this is happening. It feels like we haven't done anything interesting for a little over four months." Midoriya mumbles to himself, tightly clenching the box the contains his hero costume.

"Hey, that's not true! We've done... stuff...." Hairo trails off, desperately trying to remember what has happened. "I mean, we just moved into the dorms, that's cool! And we learned new moves!" He excitedly pumps the air, a smile overtaking his entire face. "We did do that, right?" He whispers to Kirishima, who nods in response.

"Yeah, sure, but now we're here... I think I'm gonna be sick..." Yumehara's hands tremble as she nervously looks at the building in front of her.

"Don't be so nervous! You guys will get your licenses no problem!" Kuniharu smiles encouragingly, shooing his students forward. "Come on, off you go, don't want to be late!"

"Right! Let's do this guys!" Kirishima grins. "PLUS..."

"ULTRA!" The majority of the class yells in excitement, though they all quiet down when they hear a loud and unfamiliar voice join them.

"It's pretty rude to barge into other people's huddles like that, Inasa." A soft-spoken purple-haired boy states.

"What? Pardon me. I am so. Very. Extremely. SORRY!" Inasa slams his face into the ground, keeping his arms tight to his sides in an aggressively apologetic bow.

"Oh, no need to be sorry, Inasa!" Teruhashi smiles, lightly lifting his head so he's standing straight once more.

It's him! I glance at Aizawa, then back to Inasa.

Oh, right. He was at the race. Inasa doesn't seem to register Teruhashi's assistance. He instead looks straight past her and at me.


Don't call me that. The class turns to me, greatly confused.

"I'm doing everything I can to be just like you! I've been training super hard all year so that you'll be impressed!"

"Wait... you guys are from Shiketsu, right?" Teruhashi asks, ignoring Inasa as he had ignored her. She was bitter about it but couldn't show it. They simply nod in response, the purple-haired kid leading them toward the building.

"Inasa Yoarashi." Aizawa mumbles, somewhat in disbelief.

"Do you know him?" Uraraka questions, still trying to understand what's happening. "Indeed. He's strong. He's the same year as you all and received the second-highest scores for student recommendations. But for some unknown reason, he turned down his acceptance."

"Apparently it wasn't because of Kusuo! Looks like you have a fan, son!" I roll my eyes, tempted to teleport him home but deciding against it. Though I doubt Aizawa would be mad.

"So why would he turn down his offer?" Kaminari asks as if anyone would know the answer.

"It doesn't matter. Just know he's the real deal." Aizawa warns.

"ERASER? I'd know that scowl anywhere! We haven't been this close in ages! Marry me!"

"No." Joke busts out in laughter, clenching her stomach as she does so.

"Come on, imagine it! If I was your wife, you'd have a future full of constant laughter!"

"That sounds like an actual nightmare."

"Hey, Joke! Remember me?" Kuniharu butts in, feeling left out of the small reunion.

"Oh, yeah... hey, Big Lick! I forgot you were a teacher!" She tries her hardest but is soon on the ground once more rolling with laughter. "How did that happen?" She wheezes out, tears streaming down her face.

"So where is your class?" Kuniharu manages to squeak without his voice cracking, though his eyes are very moist with tears.

"Oh, right! Come here, guys! Meet UA!" Joke yells over her shoulder, summoning a few students from within the crowd.

"Oh, wow! It's really class A!"

"Second years from Ketsubutsu Academy. This is class 2. They're my students." Joke proudly explains.

"Hey, I'm Shindo!" The boy grabs my hands, pulling them up to our chests and staring me in the eyes. "Seems like UA has had a lot of trouble this year! Must've been tough for you!" I stare straight back, unfazed.

It was more of a nuisance than anything.

"But even so you're all still aiming to become pro heroes despite those hardships!" He continues, moving to grab Midoriya's hands, then Mera's. "It's so wonderful!" He finally grabs Teruhashi's hands, staring deep into her eyes. "A heart full of fortitude. That's what every hero needs to have!" He explains, forcing himself to drop Teruhashi's hands and take a step back.

He's too nice.

This pretty boy is going to steal all of our girls!

"And Saiki, it must've been the hardest for you with the kidnapping and all that! I'm going to do what I can to learn from you!"

As I said, it was a minor nuisance.

"Stop pretending. What you say doesn't match the look in your eyes." Bakugo grumbles, causing Shindo to notice the angry blond. His happy grin turns to a mischievous smirk.

You don't need to be able to read minds to know that you're putting on an act. I add, which catches the boy off guard.

"Guys, stop being so mean! Shindo is being nice!" Teruhashi and Kirishima say, almost in sync. We shrug, though the whole class seems wearier after my comment.

"Hey, get your costumes and head to orientation. There's no time to waste."

"I said that ages ago..." Kuniharu pouts, following Aizawa to the building that has been looming over the class.

Once inside, Mera, a very tired man (with no relation to UA's Mera, from what we can tell) explains the rules of the first test. After a dramatic reveal of the arena and a brief intermission to get everyone situated, the first test began. 1A stayed close to each other to start off, deciding that teaming up with quirks they know is better than running off by themselves. Especially in a game of glorified dodgeball.

"Stay close together, we'll fight them as a group!" Midoriya yells, his brain working in overdrive as he takes in our surroundings.

"Yeah, right. This isn't a field trip!" Bakugo storms off, Kirishima and Kaminari following close behind.

I need to pass this by myself. I can't feel like a weak link. He explains to me, though I needed no explanation.

"I'm going on my own too. It's hard for me to use my powers safely when a big group is around." Todoroki explains, heading in the opposite direction that Bakugo took.

"Let's just go, Deku. There's no time." Uraraka insists and Midoriya nods. He leads the group toward a rocky area, hoping that this would be the best choice with the quirks in his team.

"They already know our quirks." Midoriya frets, his mind racing with concern.

"They did research?" Uraraka asks, confused.

"The sports festival!" Iida gasps, suddenly understanding.

"The other schools have probably figured out the way to win that I have. This is going to end up being a battle between schools. With that in mind, they'll probably gain up against quirks they know!"

"Don't tell me..." Yumehara sighs, her breath trembling as we continue our light jogging pace. A horn blows, signaling the start of the test. Immediately dozens of students jump out, each throwing their balls at us.

"Saiki, put up a barrier!" Midoriya yells, desperation in his voice.

I would, but I already passed. 


Uhh... hi. 

Update: College sucks. I'm too busy to be alive. Sorry for taking forever to post, it will probably happen again. 

But on the bright side, when I finish college I might be a published author. We'll see what happens. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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