Chapter 62- The Beast

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"DIIIIEEEE!" Bakugo screams, flying to a monster's face and easily destroying the head. The creature doesn't seem to mind, reaching out and trying to bat Bakugo out of the air. His slow movements are no match for Bakugo, who easily dodges each attack.

"Finish this bastard off!" He sneers, creating an opening for me to get closer. I levitate toward the monster, flicking my finger into its chest, causing our foe to explode into thousands of pieces.

Still as weak as ever. I deduce, not impressed with Pixie-Bob's quirk.

"Well, of course they're no match for us!" Bakugo agrees, though he's breathing heavily, clearly ready to sleep for at least a year.

Come on, we should catch up. Bakugo nods, walking beside me as we travel deeper into the forest. We can hear our classmates fighting ahead of us, clearly struggling as they are yet again surrounded by enemies.

"Uraraka! See if you can touch them! They won't be as hard to fight in the air!"

"Got it!"

"Kaido! Try using Judgement Nights of Thunder! Kaminari, help him! They might be weak to electricity!"

"Right!" Kaido and Kaminari yell, not questioning Midoriya's judgment for a moment.

"Nendo, please help us!" Nendo ignores the fight, too distracted with a butterfly, who's sucking the nectar out of a small flower near the edge of the worn path the class had been following.

"You idiots sound like they can't even handle a few monsters," Bakugo growls, not bothering to help just yet.

"Where have you two been?" Hairo immediately questions, sweat pouring off of him. "We thought we had lost you!" Iida turns from a fight, his glasses glinting in the sun as he notices us.

"WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?" He yells, chopping the air as he runs over to us. "YOU HAVEN'T BEEN ENGAGING IN..." He pauses, glancing around and lowering his voice. "Questionable behavior, have you?" He finishes, his eyebrows stern with knowing.

"Get out of my way," Bakugo growls, shoving past Iida and creating a huge explosion to destroy the monster who had been ready to attack us.

"The nerve!" Iida gasps, spinning to Bakugo. "How dare you ignore such a question!" Bakugo ignores Iida, flying to a different creature to fight. Iida, unable to fly, drops the subject, running to help Midoriya and Uraraka.

"Look, Saiki, as the class rep, I'm responsible for your safety. I can't have you leaving out of the blue."

I'm perfectly capable of keeping myself safe.

"I know, but... well, we should work as a team! Right! Let's get through these monsters and earn our lunch!" Hairo cheers, using his quirk to motivate the class to keep going. I can feel the class's confidence grow significantly as Hairo does this, but the one who seems to attack more is Bakugo. He's pushing through the monsters like they're nothing, but I can tell his body is straining. I sigh, leaving the monster he's fighting but using my power to crush all of the others. Everyone looks around in confusion, though they quickly realize I was probably the reason the foes are defeated.

"Woah, was that you, Saiki?"

"That was awesome!"

"How did you do that?"

Saiki! I told you not to help! Mandalay's voice echoes in my head as she uses her telepathy, clearly very annoyed with me.

Actually, you told me to follow them. You never specified that I couldn't help. I remind her, narrowing my eyes in her general direction, though she wouldn't know.

Well... stop helping! You're making it too easy for them! She hisses. I cross my eyes, not surprised to see Mandalay with her arms crossed and her tail swinging angrily. Pixie-Bob is beside her, grumbling as she makes more creatures for us to fight. Instead of going for many, though, she decides to make a few, much large and harder to defeat.

"Saiki? Why are you cross-eyed?" Mera asks, tilting her head.

My quirk. I don't bother to explain further, instead flying ahead to where Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya are. Pixie-Bob is sending more creatures. They're smaller in number but greater in strength. Much greater. Midoriya gulps, but ultimately clenches his fist in determination.

"Thanks for the heads-up, Saiki." I nod, placing my hands in my pocket.

I'm also not allowed to help you guys fight.

"What? Why?" Bakugo questions, narrowing his eyes with annoyance.

Mandalay said I was making it too easy. I shrug, crossing my eyes to check on Pixie-Bob's process. The monsters are almost done. Good luck. Todoroki nods his thanks, lighting his flames as he stares into the forest. Midoriya powers up, energy coursing through his entire body. Bakugo growls, crouching as his hands flash. The forest shakes as the monsters make their way toward the class. Most of the kids begin to shake in fear, knowing that they may very well be facing their death soon. However, when the first monster enters the clearing, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo destroy it immediately, working surprisingly well even with no communication. It's as if Midoriya and Todoroki knew Bakugo would go for the head, and so they each went to the closest leg.

The forest is silent, eerily so, for a moment. Finally, the stomps of a true monster sound, nearly causing Kaido to fall as the entire ground shakes beneath him. The class's eye wide as the silhouette comes into view, easily much, much larger than any other monster they had fought so far.

"Pixie-Bob really has outdone herself this time..." Midoriya chuckles nervously, taking a step back. Even Bakugo seems hesitant to attack this beast. Its aura is drenched in the scent of evil, even though it was made by a hero. It comes to a stop once we're at its feet. It looks down on us, a devious smile curling onto its face.

"Hello, Kitties." It sneers, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

"Huh? Buddies? Why are you all so tense?" Nendo asks, ignoring the beast as he looks into Kaido's eyes, only a few inches from his face. "Buddy?"

"M-monster!" Kaido screams, unleashing the terror within all of the others. Screams sound as the class panics, running for cover and saving no one but themselves. Nendo tilts his head, narrowing his eyes at the monster before him.

"DIE YOU BASTARD!" Bakugo screams, creating an explosion large enough to easily destroy a city block. The beast does not react. It lifts its foot, prepared to stomp on the angry blonde beneath it. Before it can, however, Nendo is next to its ear.

"What are you going to do to my buddy?" He asks, his eyes gleaming with hatred. The monster, as if aware of the danger it's now in, shakes its head profusely, but to no avail. "You'll never hurt my buddies," Nendo states, punching the mud beast. It quivers, almost staying together, but it ultimately explodes, unable to do anything against Nendo.

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