Chapter 84- New Looks

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"How do we know this will even take us to Saiki?" Bakugo questions, his eyebrow raised as he stares at the device in Yaoyorozu's hands.

"There is no certainty that it will. All I know for sure is that on the other end of this is a nomu, which is controlled by the League of Villains. Since the League took Saiki, it is plausible that he is also on the other end. However, it is quite possible that there are multiple bases within their operation." Yaoyorozu explains calmly, though it only makes Bakugo more annoyed.

"Well, obviously!" He scoffs, causing Kirishima to roll his eyes at the blonde.

"You're the one who asked, stop being all aggressive," He instructs, the words surprisingly not causing another outburst. Hairo nods in agreement next to his redhead friend, his heel bouncing on the train floor as it speeds to their destination.

"Don't be nervous; we're not fighting," Midoriya reminds Hairo, noticing his nervous fidgeting from his spot across from him and next to Yaoyorozu. Hairo nods, a forced smile on his face as he briefly looks up at Midoriya before putting his head down to stare at the ground. His breathing deepens as he surrounds himself with a little bit of his quirk, which the others ignore.

"Where are we going?" Todoroki asks Yaoyorozu, who glances at the device in her hand before answering.

"The coordinates indicate Camino Ward, Yokohama City in Kanagawa prefecture. So about 2 hours from here; we'll get there around 10 tonight."

"So... uh... did you tell the rest of the class about this?" Midoriya asks, his gaze turning from the device in Yaoyorozu's hands to Todoroki. "Do they know what we're doing tonight?"

"Yes. And they tried their best to talk us out of it."

"Yeah, even Teruhashi gained up on us to try to get us to change our minds!" Kirishima mentions, his voice indicating that her actions had annoyed him, but his body language betraying that he feels bad for ignoring her.

"Couldn't she have just used her quirk to stop us from coming...?" Midoriya asks, confusion in his voice as he tries to think of a reason Teruhashi wouldn't use her quirk in situations like this.

"I think she wants us to like her for who she is, not what power she holds," Yaoyorozu mumbles, her thoughts making sense to everyone in the group. Bakugo tchs, carding a hand through his spiky locks.

"She probably just didn't really want to stop us from getting Saiki back." Everyone ignores this, Todoroki returning the conversation to Midoriya.

"Just to be sure: you know we're going against everyone's wishes and being completely selfish by doing this. We can call this off if we want to."

"Like hell we're turning back. You might as well go home right now if you don't want to go through with this, Icyhot. We don't need you anyway." Kirishima nods, agreeing with Bakugo for the most part.

"Does it look like I wanna turn back?" The teen asks Todoroki, who shrugs.

"What about you, Midoriya?" The greenette pauses, his eyes trailing to the ground as he swallows the little amount of spit in his mouth.

"He's my friend. I refuse to turn back."

"So, kid. Answer me this: what do you call a dead chicken? A poultrygeist! That wasn't even funny! Hilarious!" Twice cackles on the other side of the door, his hand slapping his knee and causing an obvious sound to resonate through the empty bar. I grimace in mental pain, wanting nothing more than to sink into a void of nothingness. "Oh, oh, here's one! What do cows use to count? A cowculator!" Twice throws his head back, as evident by the sudden thump in the door as his laugh deepens.

Yeah, just keep talking. All I need is time.

"What did the zebra say the first time he saw a piano? 'Dad?'!" Twice nearly screams, his jokes only getting worse as he continues. No wonder the others left him behind. "Hey, are you even listening?" The villain questions, his neck, like his voice, strained as he turns his head to face the door without turning his shoulders. I don't answer, my plan almost complete.

Just a little longer...

I climb out of the chair that had had me tied down, the chains that had previously been an issue now fall loosely into the seat. I go up to the door, taking a deep breath before pawing at the wood.

If it were any of the others this would never work...

"Huh? What is that? A visitor? A monster!" Twice exclaims, jumping to his feet and slamming open the door. I hiss at the sudden movement, doing my best to stay in character. "A kitten???"

The group of teens rushes off the train as it makes its stop in Camino ward, Hairo especially excited.

"Hell yeah, let's go save lives!" He yells, causing Yaoyorozu to urgently hush him. Only a few adults side glance at the redhead, and all of them immediately shrug the outburst off as just that: a child's outburst.

"From now on, we're going to need to be extremely careful. These criminals already know what we look like, remember? We have to consider that we could be attacked at any moment." Yaoyorozu points out, causing Midoriya to nod.

"Yeah, you're right! Stealth mode!" He whispers, bringing his arms in front of his face to form an X. Todoroki doesn't need to look back to know what the boy has done.

"You're standing out even more, Midoriya."

"We definitely can't be recognized," Hairo mentions, rubbing his chin as he thinks.

"Okay, so what should we do?" Kirishima questions, causing Yaoyorozu's eyes to light up, though what's more noticeable is the embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

"I have an idea... though it is a bit old school." She points to a nearby store, her embarrassment rising for a moment before Hairo's eyes light up as well.

"That's an amazing plan! Let's go!"

Midoriya steps out of the changing room, a fake goatee on his chin and his hair slicked back more than normal. His clothes look like they came straight from the yakuza, and his voice and mannerisms have changed as well to match his new identity. Todoroki looks largely the same, though he's sporting a long black wig that covers his scar. He doesn't seem very enthusiastic. Yaoyorozu also looks very similar; she's wearing a pink dress with white sunglasses. Her hair is still in a ponytail, though it's less styled and freer to flow, which gives her more of a natural look. Kirishima has opted to change the look of his quirk, using material he found to make antler-like structures appear from his hair.

Hairo has gone all out, as one might expect. He has managed to make his eyebrows a little less unique with an eyebrow pen, connecting the edges together to make one large eyebrow above either eye. He has taken off the athletic tape that is typically plastered to his nose, replacing it with fake freckles which are very similar to Midoriya's. He didn't get a wig, but he did gel his hair down so that it sticks to the side to keep out of his face. He found fake glasses, along with a suit and tie. He looks like a college law student.

Bakugo, on the other hand, didn't put a lot of effort into the disguise. He's wearing skintight black jeans that cut off shortly before the ankle, leading into short black converse with checkered laces. A silver chain clashes against his black legs. The white t-shirt he wore before is now under a thick leather jacket. Another chain hangs loosely over his shoulder, its purpose clearly only for aesthetics. He runs his hands through his hair, which for once is loose and free from its spikes. The slight wave in his hair is evident as his fingers brush it to the side, the unruly locks falling to whatever place they deem fit. The effortless look makes him look like a model, though his eyes could still kill.

The group walks out of the store, practicing their impressions as they do so. Yaoyorozu is proud of her idea, and she can't help but be glad the others listened to it. This way they won't stick out, and she got to go shopping!

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