Chapter 90- Follow Me

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Okay, don't panic. I just need to go back now before something happens.

"How do you know our names?" I freeze as the greenette walks toward me, his tilted head causing the fluffy curls on his head to cascade to the side.

What are you talking about?

"Just now, you said our names. Obviously." The blond rolls his eyes, his attention leaving the tv as he gains more interest in this stranger. "Are you stalking us? 'Cuz I'll beat you up if you are!"

"Don't do that, Kacchan! I'm sure it's his quirk or something. What's your quirk, mister?"

"Shut up, Deku. You're too trusting. If this guy was a villain, you'd already be dead."

Which means I'm not a villain, right? I use Bakugo's logic against him, causing the little boy to tch, his face twisted in annoyance.

"I guess."

Why hasn't he changed at all in a decade?

"Do you like All Might?" Midoriya asks, pointing to the tv screen, which seems to just be airing popular heroes, All Might of course getting all of the screen time.

"Of course he does, everyone likes All Might!" Bakugo chimes in, his chin up, as if All Might is his to be proud of.

As long as you don't always depend on him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bakugo scoffs, clearly offended by my position. "I'm going to be just like him one day!"

"Yeah!" Midoriya agrees, punching the air excitedly. "I'm going to save people with a smile on my face!"

"Yeah right, you don't even have a quirk! Stupid Deku!"

Don't you want to be even better than him? I ask, causing the two 'friends' to look at me, confused.

"How can you be better than All Might?" Bakugo's brows are stitched together, deeply contemplating what this stranger means.

It's just a thought, I'm sure you'll understand when you're older. The sudden sound of a truck horn echoes through the street, the screams surrounding it making everything louder. Bakugo and Midoriya's eyes widen, and I have just enough time to turn around and stop the oncoming vehicle with my telekinesis.

"Did you see that?"

"He just saved those kids!"

"But he used his quirk! He's not a hero, is he?"

"Shut up, he did it to save them!"

"Yeah, but will the police think that?"

Shit. I should leave before something else happens. I can't be in police custody, if they take my fingerprints, or, worse, ask for my parents, they'll know I'm only supposed to be a toddler. I start to walk away, but I'm stopped by a soft tug at my sleeve.

"Wait, what's your name?" Midoriya asks, his eyes wide with wonder. I glance at Bakugo, who seems just as curious, though he tries to hide it.

They can't know, I don't know what would happen to the future if I tell them now.

I can't tell you. Sorry, kid. I teleport away, taking a deep breath as I finally get away from them.

That was bad. Why did that truck veer off the road? If I hadn't been there, they would've died, so that wasn't supposed to happen. Something's wrong with the timeline. It's not because I'm here, is it? Did the world try to destroy a threat that was never going to exist in the first place? I shake my head, trying to figure out why so much has happened in the past five minutes. I hope talking to them didn't ruin my present. That would be bad.

Shit. I'm surrounded by fires and explosions. The sky is gray with smoke; ashes fall like snow in the deepest of winters. No building stands in the once flourishing city, and the citizens have been greatly reduced.

"Are you okay? Here, let me help you." I turn when I hear a familiar voice. I've never been happier to hear it.

"Midoriya?" The teen turns around, surprised to hear his name.

I haven't heard that name in years...

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me. I start to answer, but can't. The boy I'm used to is no more; this Midoriya is completely different. His hair is short on the sides, the top retaining its curl but remaining much shorter than typical. He's much more muscular than usual, the veins in his arms bulging with the weight of the citizen he just saved from the debris. He looks to be a good 100 pounds heavier, and it's all muscle. His face is hardened like a veteran of war; his usual rounded jaw is square. Though he is larger, he looks to have a harder time finding food; his face shows that the most. His freckles are there, though they are covered in dirt that seems to be permanently embedded in his skin. The most jarring of his new features are the scars. He had them before, but these are different. His bulging arms and legs sport endless burns, which clearly lead onto his chest as well, though his tight, moss green tank top hides those. There is a scar on his face; a long scratch that starts at his glabella, runs over his right eye, and ends just under his ear. His right eye is gray, presumably blind as well. "Answer me," Midoriya speaks again, much more authoritative than typical.

I'm Saiki Kusuo. I answer. Midoriya nods, gently sitting down the woman in his arms. She has a broken femur and has lost consciousness due to the pain.

"Do you have a quirk?" He asks, his focus on the woman as he lightly touches her leg. "I don't have enough supplies to fix this, would your quirk happen to be any help?"

Uhh... yeah. I crouch down beside Midoriya, placing my hand over the woman. I feel my power flow into her as her leg instantly heals. She doesn't awaken, but the pain on her face dissipates. Midoriya slowly turns to me, his mouth agape.

"Amazing. I'll take you back to camp, follow me."


So today I learned that "blonde" is feminine, and "blond" is more masculine. I've been referring to Bakugo as "blonde" because I thought that was how it was spelled all of the time. Whoops. Anyway, I found that interesting and I'll start using the correct term from now on. XD

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