Chapter 81- Weakness

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"Okay, what the hell, guys," Kusuke speaks, his tongue flicking English out of anger, though he quickly corrects himself when he sees the blank stares of the League. "Why did you leave me in the forest?" He asks, his developed accent harshly contrasting his Japanese words. Shigaraki switches off the tv, twisting in his seat to face the blonde they had forgotten.

"You're here now, so does it matter?" The bluenette rasps, absent-mindedly scratching his neck as he eyes Kusuke. The blonde is smart enough to know that he shouldn't anger the leader and instead huffs in annoyance, plopping down at the bar.

"It's your fault for ditching your tracker," Dabi shrugs, helpfully handing the younger his half-consumed drink. Kusuke takes it gratefully, downing it in one gulp.

"To be completely honest, we forgot about you. But I do commend you. That device you made really did the trick." Shigaraki smirks, his fingers twitching eagerly as he pictures the pink hair dissolving beneath his grip.

"What were you doing, anyway?" Toga asks innocently, her hands supporting her chin and her elbows on the bar. Her messy buns look ready to fall out, though she doesn't take any notice.

"I had something to do," Kusuke lies, instinctually shivering at what he went through. Though he admits that it was worth it in the end. "Where is my little bro?" Kusuke questions, a brow raised as he changes the subject and glances over the main room. There are no signs of his sibling. Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if the league lost him, but judging by how happy Shigaraki is, he doubts that is the case.

"He's over there. He escaped long ago!" Twice pipes up, jabbing a finger toward a small room. Its door is rotting, like the majority of the area, so Kusuke can see a flash of pink on the other side. His eyes light up expectantly as he stands up, taking a step toward the room.

"Hey now, don't be so hasty. We take our time with him," Shigaraki states, his voice filled with confidence. Kusuke clenches his jaw, angered by the bluenette's authoritative tone. They only have a year of an age gap, and Kusuke has far more real-world experiences. Nonetheless, Kusuke turns his head, a smile plastered on his face.

"I just wanted to chat with him. It's been years since I left home, you know?" Shigaraki nods slowly, his eyes narrowed and his brain searching for reasons to stop the two from conversing.

"As long as you don't do anything stupid..."

"Me? Stupid? Impossible." Kusuke interrupts, making his way to the room and pushing the unlatched door open. He studies the sight in front of him, his mouth curving into a much more realistic smile at the sight. Kusuo is attached to a sturdy chair, the ropes tying him in resembling belts and reaching across his chest and legs, not unlike a child's seat. His hands are between his legs, bulky quirk-canceling handcuffs (for good measure) keeping them stationary. Between the typical pink needles on his head is another, its placement being his anterior fontanelle. Kusuo's pink hair falls messily over his eyes, sweat drips down his temple as he stares up at his brother.

"Congrats; you win. Can I go now?" Kusuo deadpans, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the situation he has managed to get himself in. Kusuke chuckles to himself, pushing his hair out of his eyes as he squats in front of his younger brother.

"Of course not. Look at you! So helpless and afraid."

"I'm not afrai–"

"I bet you're so confused on how my limiter made especially for you is so strong!"

"I don't actually care–"

"Well, I'll tell you!" Kusuo sighs, sinking into his seat as he prepares for his brother's explanation. Surely, it can't be too long.

"I made this limiter similar to how I made the others. However, for those, I simply lessened your powers. You see, at that point, I was not aware of how strong you truly are. Of course, I have learned from my mistakes and that resulted in this new limiter. This limiter doesn't just limit your powers- it completely cancels them! And, what's even better is that it's connected to my computer. That way, if anything goes wrong, I am still in complete control! Every single power you have ever used has been added to that device. Unless you have some random power even you don't know about, you'll never get out!" Kusuo lifts his head, which had been loosely hanging to the side, when he hears the conclusion of his brother's rant. It's definitely strange to not be able to read his mind, but at least that much wasn't knew to Saiki His brother had created his headpiece to block Saiki's intrusive powers when he was merely 16.

"Wow," Kusuo sighs, honestly pleasantly surprised that his brother has finished speaking so soon.

"Don't you want to know how I learned every one of your powers?"

"Not really–"

"Well, it's my quirk, of course! I'm not sure why it doesn't work on you but I have gathered plenty of information about you and your friends. Although I found it strange, I wasn't able to read one of the students. A blonde, explosive boy, if I recall correctly." Kusuo doesn't react, though he's glad that the mental wall he gave Bakugo worked. He had thought his brother might try to pull something weird.



"You've done it. You've beaten me. I have no way out of this," Kusuo yawns, his uninterest raising exponentially as his brother continues to speak. Kusuke tilts his head innocently, his shaggy hair cascading toward the ground, which it's nearly perpendicular with now.

"You say that like I don't know your weakness," He points out, his heartbeat rising in anticipation of the adrenaline he would feel if he truly beat his brother.

"And that is?" Kusuo asks, his brow raised questionably at his brother's sudden excitement.

"Katsuki Bakugo." 

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