Chapter 20- Memories

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"Saiki! Hey, Saiki! Wait up!" I sigh as the familiar voice hits me, the wooden shoes clicking against the hard floor. I can almost hear the air rush around his hand as he waves at me to slow down.

What do you want, Reita?

"So, you do remember me." Reita catches up with the fellow psychic, shoving his hands into his pockets when he does. "I need to speak with you." I nod, listening to his thoughts and understanding.

Not here.

I can hear the thoughts of others nearby, others that could easily eavesdrop. Reita nods, following me into a nearby warmup room and sitting down across from me.

"I'm assuming you already know what this is about." I nod, indifferent about the matter. "Saiki, this is serious. Almost a year ago know I woke up in a world completely foreign to me. I had parents, but in my mind, I knew I didn't. But I did. They were real. They are real. I was in Middle School, not High School, and all of the friends I thought I knew didn't know me. And everyone has powers? It didn't take me long to figure out that it was probably your doing, but I still don't understand. Why?"

I was sick and tired of everything. Hiding the real me. It was easier for me to forget, to act like I was normal. When you and Mikoto eventually found me, I realized I wasn't alone, but, honestly, it was more of a pain with you two. You two were always showing off your powers as if the world wouldn't turn to chaos if psychics were discovered to be real. For a while it was fine, I just kept living my simple, disastrous life. But when Touma figured it out I broke. I honestly didn't mean for this to happen. I just... wanted a break. I wanted the world to accept me. So I decided that I'd merge our universe with this one. It's as simple as that.

We sit in silence, Reita for once speechless. His mind is fumbling over itself to understand how I felt back then.

"You could've been a god, Saiki."

And what good would it have done? The world would've feared me, and you know it. That's not what I want.

Reita nods, biting his bottom lip.

"Were you just going to leave? Did you mean to bring all of our classmates?"

I didn't mean to bring to, no. I didn't want any of you here.

Reita stares at his hands, which are folded together on his lap. He nods, hurt that Saiki would leave all of his friends behind, but even more hurt that Saiki kept all of this to himself.

I could've helped.

You knowing would've just made my life worse. So don't think that.

Reita nods silently, fiddling with his uniform.

"Does anyone else... remember?"

Not that I know of, though I haven't read Mikoto since it happened. Since you remember, maybe she does too.

New thoughts suddenly enter my mind, but they aren't my own.

"I figured not. Like I said, none of them seemed to know who I was. Ko- I mean Teruhashi even let me on her Calvary tea-"

Shut up. Someone's here.

"What are you idiots talking about?" Bakugo growls, stomping into the room when Reita suddenly stops talking. "What do you mean by "Does anyone else remember"? Remember what, eh? And get out. This is my warmup room!" Reita, slightly panicked at the appearance of the angry teen, shoots up from his seat.

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