Chapter 31- Wait... He Lost?

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"Since there were no damages to the arena other than the wall in the last fight, we'll move right on. No need to drag this out any longer."

"DON'T BE SUCH A DOWNER, MAN!" Hizashi cheers, slapping Aizawa on the back and laughing. "THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS! WHOEVER WINS THIS FIGHTS THE ONE, THE ONLY, KUSUO SAIKI!" The crowd yells in approval, their eyes shining with excitement. "THE FINAL SEMIFINAL MATCH IS AGAINST TWO VERY STRONG INDIVIDUALS! SHUN KAIDO AND KATSUKI BAKUGO! ARE YOU READY?!?!" The crowd screams again, their applause deepening as the boys walk into the arena.

Kaido chuckles, covering his face with an unbandaged hand.

"Sorry, but I won't let you win this, Bakugo."

"Eh? What the hell did you say?"

He can't win, I have Jet Black Wings on my side!


Kaido makes the first move, diving at the unsuspecting Bakugo. He uses his weight to pull the other teen to the ground, somersaulting before landing and flipping, landing above his opponent. Kaido places a foot on Bakugo's chest, smirking.

"Just give up now, Sparky."

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" Bakugo grabs Kaido's calf, setting explosions off that unbalance the blue-haired boy. He winces as pain throbs through his leg, gingerly testing his leg's strength as Bakugo scrambles to his feet.

"You'll regret that."

"Oh, will I now?" Bakugo jumps forward, barreling into Kaido and sending them both to the ground once more. Kaido smirks, an idea forming in his mind, thanks to Jet Black Wings.

"That, my friend, was a mistake." Bakugo's eyes widen as the boy beneath him wraps his legs around Bakugo's waist. Kaido uses all of his strength and flexibility to flip between Bakugo's legs and onto his back. He laughs as Bakugo blindly blasts shots behind him, desperately trying to shake the boy, who still has his legs wrapped firmly around the blonde's waist.

"Get off me you bastard!" He screams, rolling onto his back and pointing his palms to the sky, releasing a large explosion that forces Kaido into the ground.

"I'm not some bug that you can squash and move on with life!" Kaido yells, angry now. His fist glows purple and he punches Bakugo, but since he wasn't able to pull back Bakugo is only thrown off him. Kaido gets to his feet, his breath quickly stabilizing. Bakugo wipes his mouth with his arm, scoffing as a trail of crimson stains his skin.

"That was a pretty strong punch. But can you hit me again?"

"You know I can." Both boys charge, throwing punches and dodging attacks. Loud bangs occasionally burst out as Bakugo uses his quirk, and purple glows in the air as Kaido uses his. After a minute or so of fighting the boy's quirks meet, clashing in a ball of dark and light. Both are thrown backward, Kaido somersaulting to remain on his feet and Bakugo rolling to avoid the backlash of his explosion.

"You're good. I give you that." Bakugo chuckles, getting to his feet. He clutches his limp right arm, which had been closest to the blast. Kaido smirks, walking up to the blonde.

"You should just give up now. I'm feeling generous." Bakugo flinches as Kaido places a hand on his shoulder, smiling. The two pairs of red eyes meet, and Bakugo can't help but look away.

"Th-thank you, Mr. Kaido. Will you forgive me for the way I acted?"

"As I said, I'm in a generous mood."


"Yaayy! Kaido!"

"He's so hot!"

"He forgave that jerk and everything!"

"Will you date me?"

"Kaido, can I have your autograph?!" Kaido chuckles, covering his face with a hand as multiple cute girls surround him. They all happily scream at his action, commenting on how hot he is.

"Hello, ladies. One at a time, girls." The girls pout, which he notices. "Don't worry, I'll get everyone." He smiles, ruffling a particularly cute girl's hair. She screams happily, jumping up and down.

"Thank you, Mr. Kaido! You're my hero!"

"U-umm..." Bakugo awkwardly scratches his neck, staring at the ground as blush forms on his cheeks.

"What is it, Bakugo?"

"C-can I have your autograph too?" Kaido chuckles, nodding. The girls scream, their eyes glistening as they watch Kaido calmly sign Bakugo's notebook. "T-thank you! I'll keep it forever!"

"We love you Mr. Kaido!"

"BEGIN!" Bakugo dives forward, grabbing Kaido by the collar and shoving him into the ground. He smirks as the boy doesn't fight back, but his eyes narrow as Kaido starts mumbling to himself, completely out of it.

"Just give up now, Sparky."

"What the hell...?"

"You'll regret that..." Kaido slurs, his eyes glazed. Bakugo smirks, almost willing to play along.

"Oh, will I now?"

"That, my friend, was a mistake." Kaido squirms a little, but Bakugo continues to hold him to the ground, so he doesn't go anywhere. "I'm not a bug..." Kaido's fist glows a faint purple. He smacks Bakugo's chest, almost like a playful kitten. Bakugo chuckles, starting to enjoy the show.

"That was pretty strong, but can you do it again?"

"You know I can..." Kaido mumbles, weakly hitting Bakugo's chest a few times.

"You're good. I'll give you that."

"Just give up... I'm feeling generous."

"Oh, are you?" Bakugo smirks, picking the boy up by the collar once more. "Well, sorry, but I'm not." Kaido chuckles drunkenly, his head rolling.

"Hellloooo, ladies." Bakugo slams the boy into the ground again, placing his hand on the opponent's face.

"You can either snap out of it or get scars that even Recovery Girl can't heal." He sneers, waiting for a reaction. Kaido slowly tilts his head to Bakugo, his eyes wide with horror.

"Wha- what just happened? I... I won! Why are you..."

"Welcome back. Now decide. Drop out or I'll blast your face."

"Nononono!" Kaido squirms, using his legs to scramble backward and out from Bakugo's grasp. Bakugo smirks, standing up.

"Good choice."




So we're finally nearing the end of the sports festival. Man, it feels like it's been months... wait.

This realization reminded me of another fact:


EDIT: I no longer need hero names. Thank you to everyone who suggested! You all had amazing names, I couldn't have done it without your help (/・ω・(-ω-)
I'm going to keep this here so future readers can try to guess which names I picked 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Sooooo got a good hero name? Comment on their name! (please I'm begging you)

I need names for:







I have names for Nendo and Kaido but if you have one and can persuade me, maybe...

But yeah. I need your help. Please. XD

Oh, and if you have one for Aren and Reita I might throw them in randomly (I may or may not feel bad for forgetting them when I started this...)

Anyway, thanks for the help! Hope you're enjoying the story!

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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