Chapter 22- Sero vs. Kaido

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I can't do this. I can't do this. Maybe I should just forfeit now. It'll be better than fighting him. He's too strong, I can't do it. I can't.

"Sero? Why are you shaking?" Sero jumps at Kirishima's voice, throwing his hands up in a defensive position. His eyes are darting back and forth, wild with fear.

"Oh... Kirishima. It's you...." Sero chuckles nervously, trying to relax.

"Dude, are you okay?"

"Not really," Sero mutters, watching as Nendo starts actually fighting Kaminari.

"Your fight is next; you should get ready," Kirishima mentions only taking his eyes off of Sero when a gust of wind pushes him back. He looks to the arena, sighing at his electric friend, who is giving him a thumbs-up.


"I don't... I don't think I can do this." Sero mumbles, ignoring the laughs that echo through the class as Kaminari stumbles around.

"Dude, it's just Kaido," Kirishima claims, restraining himself from rolling his eyes.

"Just Kaido? JUST Kaido? He almost killed me in training!"

"But you ended up winning?" Kirishima tilts his head, confused at why Sero was so upset.

"Barely!" Sero yells, shaking more as he remembers that day.

"Just do your best and you'll be fine!" Kirishima reassures, patting Sero's back. Sero shakes his head, leaning forward and entangling his fingers in his hair.

"I don't think I can do this."

"Don't think about it too much and you'll be fine. You better get out there." Kirishima smiles, standing up. "I know you'll do great."


The crowd yells in excitement, eagerly waiting as the boys make their way to the arena.

Kaminari squeezes past his class to his seat, stopping by Kirishima and Hairo.

"Good job out there!" Hairo yells, offering a high-five to the boy. Kaminari grumpily accepts it, slumping into a seat.

"I lost..."

"But you did your best, right?" Kirishima asks, smiling happily. "That's what matters!"

"I guess... I'm still upset though, I know I didn't fry my brain, I made sure I wouldn't..." Kaminari mutters, fiddling with his thumbs as the other two boys stare at him.

"You looked pretty brain dead to me," Asui speaks up from her seat in front of the boys, a finger on her chin. Uraraka nods, struggling to hold back a laugh. Kaminari sighs, slumping further down in his seat and returning his attention to the arena.

Nendo sits beside the boy, draping an arm around his shoulders.

"That was a good fight, buddy!" Kaminari shrugs Nendo off of him, not bothering to answer or even acknowledge his existence.

"Don't be a sore loser, Kaminari," Todoroki mutters, his arms crossed in uninterest.

"That's easy for you to say!" Kaminari complains, turning to face the boy. "Just you wait. You'll see." Todoroki tilts his head, confused, but Kaminari just turns back to the arena to watch Sero and Kaido enter.

"You guys wanna get some ramen?"

"Would you shut up about the ramen? You just had it for lunch!" Saiko yells, annoyed that he was forced to sit by these absolute peons.

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