Chapter 52- A Motivated Win

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I sigh, standing up from my place in the corner and stretching. I glance around the empty classroom, my eyes lingering on Bakugo's seat.

He'll lose if he's not careful. And there's no way I can help without him getting upset... I shake my head softly, teleporting out of the room and into another. Bakugo is angrily pacing, his eyes narrowed as he does so.

"Come on Bakugo, it's a good plan!" Hairo complains, his motivation to win rising as the fight nears.

"It's not good enough. I won't lose because of my partner's impotence," Bakugo growls, his pacing quickening.

"But what if it is good enough?" Hairo presses, leaning forward in his seat.

"You motivating me to blow everything up? We're up against a small rodent, who happens to be skilled enough to be the principal of UA. And he's smart, he would've thought of that. He has a plan that would take us decades to come up with, and it probably took him five minutes!" Bakugo states, his voice rising in annoyance as he realizes he's as worthless as his partner at the moment. Hairo, unfazed, doesn't back down.

"Look. It's the only way our quirks will work togeth- Saiki? When did you get here?" Hairo asks, extremely confused. I shrug, ignoring the question as Bakugo stops pacing, his eyes landing on me.


I just came to wish you good luck. I say so Hairo can also hear, though my eyes never leave Bakugo's. Don't let your fists think for you. Use your head. I add, speaking straight to Bakugo, who nods in understanding. I'll be cheering you on.

Thanks. I teleport away, my heart skipping a beat as I remember Bakugo's eyes staring into my own. I shake my head again, returning to my place in the corner.

"What was that about?"






Bakugo immediately runs into the jungle-like city, searching for anything out of place. Hairo, left behind at first, uses his quirk to catch up, slowing down to run beside Bakugo.

"What are we doing?"

"Finding the rat and exterminating it."

"That's violent," Hairo huffs. "But how are we doing it?"

"Don't know yet. I'll figure it out," Bakugo mumbles, his sweat dripping along his vertebrae, sending shivers throughout him. Hairo glances at the boy, biting his lip in uncertainty. Suddenly the entire city shudders, the pipes overhead creaking as nuts pop out, sending an absurd amount of metal cascading toward the boys.


"Bakugo wa-" Hairo is cut off by a large explosion, and the air is knocked out of him as an arm hits his gut, pulling him aside. The metal crumbles to ash, the pile still large enough to crush the teens under its weight, though it's now at their feet, not above them. Hairo, struggling to catch his breath, nods in thanks to Bakugo. The redhead gets to his feet, using his quirk to recover faster.

"Come on, we can't stay here," Bakugo grumbles, turning away from the wreck.

He's pretty calm... isn't he? Hairo muses, too distracted by the strange situation to notice the other avalanche of parts. Bakugo grabs his teammate just in time, pulling him back and throwing him aside before the boy is crushed. Somehow this motion pulls his pants down, but only slightly.

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