Chapter 54- Sharp Shooter

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(A week ago)

"Am I allowed to shoot students?" Snipe asks, staring down the table of teachers. He wanted to confirm, just in case something bad happened.

"This may not be America, but can't hold back! The kids need to learn how to defend themselves, especially against weapons like guns!" Nezu explains, the other teachers nodding in agreement.

"But, just in case, we'll put Kirishima against you. Your bullets won't do much damage." Aizawa mentions, pausing as he thinks. "I'll put you against Saiko as well. He needs to learn how to work with a teammate, I think Kirishima would be the best option. Plus, he needs to learn how to use his quirk as an offense, not just as bribery."

"Should I avoid shooting at Saiko?" Snipe asks, still apprehensive of shooting at students.

"Do whatever is necessary! Recovery Girl will be ready to assist if need be!" Nezu smiles, giving Snipe a thumbs up.






"So... he won't actually like, shoot us, right?" Kirishima chuckles, anxiety rising within him as the match begins.

"Why should it matter? You're bulletproof, right?" Saiko yawns, fanning himself with money.

"I mean... I haven't tested it but probably..."

"Well, if you hear gunshots, protect me, will you?" Kirishima rolls his eyes, but smiles at Saiko, doing his best to remain optimistic.

"Sure, man!" The pair turns to the building, sighing as they realize how large the building is.

"If my henchmen were allowed on the premises, I would never walk next to a plebe such as you," Saiko states, grimacing at the idea of being associated with such a poor person.

"Dude, I'm your human shield. You could at least try to be nice."

"Why would I do that?"

"Never mind, let's just stay focused."

"Don't tell me what to do, Peon." Kirishima sighs, jogging ahead of Saiko.

I need to cool off.

"I'm going to scout ahead!" He whisper-yells over his shoulder, praying that Saiko won't complain. He runs off, glad that the boy had kept his mouth shut.

I really can't stand him... But that must be a test for me. We need to work as a team, after all. Kirishima glances back, not surprised when he sees Saiko lounging on the ground, a cozy pile of money beneath him. Saiko eyes Kirishima, motioning for the shark-toothed boy to keep going. He's making it look like it was his idea for me to leave. What an arrogant... Kirishima takes a breath, shaking his head and moving forward into the building. He hardens as he ventures upstairs, understanding that he's more likely than not heading straight of a man who is not afraid to shoot.

A few minutes later Kirishima makes it to the top floor. His breathing is choppy, his stomach flipping as he walks into the room.

I'll be fine. I'm bulletproof. There's no way he can shoot through hardening. It'll be fine. Kirishima clenches his fists, trying to ignore the sweat running off of them as he walks into the clearing, his eyes narrowing at Snipe, who stands at the exit.

"It took you long enough to get here," Snipe mentions, annoyed that he had to wait for so long. "Where's your partner?"

"Does that matter?" Kirishima asks, not willing to give away any information that would somehow help Snipe.

"Not really," Snipe sneers, his fingers twitching near his belt. "Either way you lose." Snipe grabs his gun, pulling the trigger. Bullets fly past Kirishima, clearly, these shots are nearly for warning.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Kirishima yells, instinctively hardening a little more.

"Your shaky legs say otherwise," Snipe mentions, nodding to Kirishima's trembling knees. Kirishima gulps, closing his eyes and running forward, screaming as he does so. Snipe, unprepared for the boy's sudden movement, shoots, not aiming for anything, but using his quirk to make the bullet hit Kirishima's shin.

"OW!" Kirishima yells out of instinct, though, when he glances at his leg, he realized there is no injury. "I'm... bulletproof?" He whispers, a smile slowly overtaking his face. "SWEET!"

"Don't be so naïve. I slowed down the bullet." Snipe remarks, wrinkling his nose behind his mask. He hadn't meant to shoot at the boy, much less hit him, but he didn't have much of a choice at that time. Kirishima smirks, his confidence much higher than it had been before.

"Even so, it didn't hurt! And that means I can beat you!" Kirishima smiles, running forward once more, ready to attack. Snipe sighs, shooting warning shots that do nothing to slow the boy down.

"Don't make me do this!" Snipe yells, clenching his jaw as the boy nears. He sighs, squeezing the trigger while simultaneously pulling out his other gun, allowing more bullets to fly, directing them at Kirishima's legs. This slows Kirishima down, only slightly, but enough. Snipe allows the bullets to hit a bit harder, taking deep breaths at each pull of the trigger. Finally, Kirishima's hardening is pierced, causing the redhead to scream in pain as a bullet lodges itself in his femur. He falls forward, grimacing in pain but refusing to stop. He begins to army crawl forward, the bullets whizzing past him.

What's taking that plebe so long? How useless. Saiko stands from his bed, stretching. I have to do everything myself. He grumbles to himself, stomping toward the staircase. He stops when he hears gunshots, listening to see if they continue. They do, giving him the cue that his partner is indeed bulletproof. At least he isn't completely useless. Now... is there an elevator? The boy takes a step back, straining to see further along the wall. He throws his head back in annoyance when he finds no elevator, growling but nonetheless prowling to the stairs, beginning his ascent.

Once at the top, Saiko gives himself a moment to catch his breath, glad that Kirishima is somehow still keeping Snipe busy. The wealthy teen pulls a hand mirror out of his pocket, swiftly brushing his hair into place and dabbing any sweat off his face. Once he finishes, he realizes that the gunshots have stopped.

It's time for my signature move. The boy creates a handful of money, its crisp nature working well for his plan. He takes a deep breath, jumping out from the hidden area.

"TAKE THIS!" The boy squeezes the trigger of his gun, laughing as money flies out of it.

My inventors have really outdone themselves this time! Snipe throws his arms up in defense, surprised by the amount of force behind the paper bullets.

"Ah, the other one. Perfect, you came to me." Snipe tosses a smoke bomb, distorting Saiko's vision as the boy struggles to reload his gun. Snipe steps over Kirishima's unconscious body, narrowing his eyes as he feels Saiko's presence and makes his way forward.

The smoke clears, revealing to Saiko a gun, mere feet away from his face.

"I GIVE UP YOU WIN DON'T HURT MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!" Saiko screams, throwing his arms up in terror.


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