Chapter 88- He Won!

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Slow, thunderous claps sound throughout the empty space, causing any rational person's hair to stand on end. All for One stands alone, his clap slowing as he towers over Best Jeanist, whose eyes are wide with fear.

"I see why you're the number four hero, Best Jeanist. That blast should have annihilated the lot of you, but you were able to manipulate everyone's clothing and pull them out of the way just in time. Quick thinking. Consider me... impressed." Best Jeanist has no strength, or courage, for that matter, to respond. The villain in front of him is no ordinary villain. This man has been at the center of evil for generations. The blonde winces in pain as he uses his quirk to prop him up, desperately attacking All for One in hopes of holding him back, maybe even defeating him. This hope is crushed when the villain doesn't even flinch, instead sending another blast and destroying the hero's stomach. The hole that forms in Best Jeanist promptly soaks him with his own blood; there's nothing he can do. This man... he's too powerful. "Now I see. Your strength comes from practice and practical experience, not raw power. I don't need your quirk. It wouldn't pair well with Tomura's... disposition."

Even I'm frozen. This monster just took out three pros in a matter of seconds. If only I had my powers, I could do something, anything.

The best thing I can do is get everyone out of here. I look up at Bakugo, gently prodding his leg with my paw. He glances down at me, his usual anger replaced with fear. I've never seen him like that. I sigh, twitching my tail toward the street and taking a few steps before looking back. Bakugo agrees, silently slapping Kirishima's shoulder. He nods his head in my general direction, waving for everyone to follow. Once everyone understands they begin to leave, but Midoriya shakes his head, resolve in his eyes. Even without my powers, I know exactly what he's thinking.

We can't leave Saiki! Suddenly gags can be heard from the clearing as many villains are teleported, presumably by All for One.

"That was so gross!"

"This black stuff reeks! I love it!"

"Was that really necessary?"

"Master," Tomura rasps, his hands on his knees as he sits on the ground. Midoriya wrinkles his brow in confusion, listening closely for me. I walk over to him, slipping past everyone's legs as I do so. Luckily the clearing is now echoing with voices instead of drowning in silence, so the teens can whisper if they need to communicate. I go behind Midoriya, butting my head against his calf to tell him to move. He looks down at me, cocking his head as he kneels down. He reaches down, gently going over my limiters with his hand.

"Saiki? What did they do to you?" He whispers, concerned. I shrug, trotting away. This time, the greenette follows without hesitation. There's nothing a few first-years can do against nearly a dozen villains.

"Start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. All of this is for you." After a few moments of silence, All for One looks around, not surprised by the lack of a hostage. He doesn't mention this, though he knows that this mishap may strengthen Shigaraki in the future. He glances at the sky, sensing a new presence. "Ah, there you are." All Might lands in the clearing, his smile tight with willpower as he sees the view around him: potential civilians, injured heroes, several villains, and his worst nemesis. This isn't going to be easy.

Sirens blare as citizens rush to safety, pushing each other in their panic. Our group stays together, Bakugo occasionally growling at people who shoulder him. He would usually yell, but he understands their fear, and would rather not gain any attention.

"What are we going to do about Saiki? Is he stuck like that?" Midoriya questions, his eyes trailing to me as I lead the way through the crowded streets.

"Stuck like what?" Kirishima asks, confused. He looks upset that they weren't able to save me, and that I was still in danger.

"Oh, you don't know?" Midoriya points in my direction, his smile widening as he realizes that I'm really safe. "Saiki is right here!" The majority of the group looks at Midoriya, their eyes filled with worry.

"Dude... are you okay?" Kirishima gently asks, his tone clearly indicating he's worried for his classmate's mental health.

"You can admit we failed," Todoroki mutters monotonously, staring off to a nearby tv.

"He's telling the truth," Bakugo grumbles, stopping to explain to the others. "Saiki can shapeshift. As far as I can tell, the third limiter blocked most of his powers, and this is what he could do to get away." I turn around and sit, nodding.

"Wait, seriously?" Hairo's eyes light up as he runs over to me, grabbing me by the torso and lifting me up. "You're awesome, Saiki!" He yells, tears of happiness in his eyes. I hiss at him, prompting him to sit me down and apologize profusely.

"Now we need to figure out how to get him back to normal," Bakugo muses, crouching next to me. I paw at my forehead, signaling for him to take out the limiter. "Is that a good idea? What if there's a side effect or something?" Bakugo says under his breath, causing me to roll my eyes.

A 'side effect' would be preferred over being a cat. Bakugo stares into my eyes, nodding as if he understands my thoughts. He gently pulls the limiter, causing the needle to come out of my head. I remain a cat for a moment, closing my eyes as thoughts begin to rush into my mind again. I was just getting used to the silence.

Did it work? Is Saiki okay?

What if he's stuck like that?

I'm glad we escaped without difficulty.

I return to my normal form, stretching my arms over my head happily.

Damn, it feels good to be human.

"Saiki! You're back!" Kirishima cheers, embracing me happily. Hairo joins him, causing Midoriya and Yaoyorozu to as well.

Get off.

"Right, sorry," they all say at once, taking a few steps back. Bakugo smiles at me, just glad that I'm back to normal.

We did it. I smile back at him, happy to finally be back.

Wait... that can't be...

Is that... really All Might?

He can still win... right?

I look over at the tv, causing my classmates to look over as well. Midoriya gasps in shock, tears immediately streaming down his face.

No... All Might! The hero stands, his form hollow as he faces the enemy. Thousands of people cry out his name in support, but they realize how grim this fight has become. Still, they ban together in the hopes that their voices can carry to their hero, their Symbol of Peace, and push him beyond. They can do nothing but stand on the sidelines and hope that All Might will have the strength to continue and save them all.

"It sounds like you'll die full of regrets, All Might. As a hero, and as a teacher!" The crowd gasps as All for One attacks All Might, who returns the punch with his own. Seconds of suspense pass as power courses around the pair, and their fight continues. Suddenly a single scream can be heard through the night.


Is... it over? Did he win? The dust clears, revealing a broken All Might, and a defeated All for One. Silence hangs in the air as the hero raises his hand in victory. Cheers erupt from the crowds, All Might's name echoing through the city.

He saved us!

He won! 

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