Chapter 70- Got You

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Bakugo sprints forward, attacking the strange creature ahead of him without any fear. The villain reacts quickly, opening his mouth and allowing his teeth to grow significantly, shooting them at Bakugo. Todoroki blocks the attack with his ice, just barely saving Bakugo from becoming a shish kabob.

"Don't rush into this fight carelessly!" Todoroki warns, his back hunched as the unconscious kid nearly falls off.

"I have to keep going... have to work... do my job!" The villain groans in what sounds like pain, as if he doesn't want to be here, or he just wants to marvel at flesh.... He suddenly snaps out of his trance, attacking the students below him at amazing speeds. Luckily, Todoroki is able to block every attack, but the villain is much too fast for his ice.

"Dammit! He's good at moving through this terrain with his quirk!"

"This freak looks like a scrawny little sidekick to me! Come on, you bastard!"

Kusuke pulls his hand back from the shake, beginning to pace around me as if to study me.

"Kusuke, can't we punish them yet? They go against Stain's believes and-"

"Shut up." Kusuke mumbles, stopping beside me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Can't you tell I'm having a chat with my little bro?" The lizard clenches his jaw, clearly annoyed that he's being bossed around by a teenager, but also aware that he has no choice but to listen.

What do you want? I growl, shrugging his arm off of me. If you want me, take me and leave.

I don't want to go with them, but if it keeps everyone safe, I will.

"You can't honestly think you're the only one we're here for. How arrogant."

"Who else would you want?"

"You know I can't tell you that, Kusuo." He leans into my ear, whispering so only I can hear: "But I can tell you that he has a terrible time controlling himself and his... anger issues." I step back, the only person coming to mind being Bakugo.

Why would they want him?

"Oh, sound familiar?" Kusuke sneers, evil glistening in his eyes.

Bakugo, I don't know where you are, but I think they want you. Be careful.

Kusuke smirks, ruffling my hair.

"So, you have changed! Worried about others, I see." The clearing suddenly becomes eerily quiet, as if I were completely alone. Kusuke's grin widens as my confusion grows.

My powers are gone.

"Leave him alone," I speak, the words falling heavily off my tongue. Kusuke shrugs, walking away from me, humming innocently as he joins the other villains.

"Can we attack now?"

"Knock yourself out."

"Nice move. Guess you really are a pro," Dabi smirks, the heat from his hand radiating after his initial attack. Aizawa was able to jump up in time, using his capture weapon to secure himself away from the flames that had engulfed where he was previously standing. Dabi raises his hand to attack again, but Erasure is quicker, eliminating his quirk and attacking the villain. He holds Dabi to the ground, interrogating him in hopes of getting some information out of it.

In the distance a surge of fire erupts, drawing Aizawa's attention away from his capture for a mere second. Dabi's flame lights for a brief moment but dim out before Aizawa notices. Dabi slides out from under Aizawa, breathing heavily.

He's good. I won't be able to take much more of this.

"That's exactly the type of performance I'd expect out of a UA teacher. Tell me, hero," Aizawa tightens his capture weapon, which is wrapped around Dabi, only for it to cut through the villain. "You worried for your students?"

The fire wasn't his quirk?

"I wonder if you can save them in the end. See you soon," Dabi finishes, just before turning into slush. Aizawa doesn't hesitate for a moment, instead running into the forest to find his students.

"Aww, come on, Dabi! You got your ass handed to you. By a magic scarf!" Twice dramatically gestures around, mostly upset at the hero's physics-defying cloth.

"How weak. That happened fast." Dabi scoffs, pointing out that it was Twice's quirk that failed, not his own.

"Huh? Don't say that! Better to frame this as a pro being too strong. It's important to mind your self-esteem, even on a perilous mission."

"Whatever, Twice. Just make another one of me. We need to keep those pros occupied."

"Another small fry coming right up! Leave it to me!"

Aren leans into his motorcycle, resisting the urge to speed up as the fog thickens.

"Why are you going so slow?" Tetsutetsu grumbles, his grip tight around Aren's waist.

"Do you want to hit a tree?" The boy scoffs, rolling his eyes at Tetsutetsu's eagerness.

"Okay, then why are we going deeper into the fog?"

"Because there's someone in the center," Aren growls, his grip tightening on the handles as the visibility becomes even worse.

"How do you know?"

"It's not acting like gas. It shouldn't be swirling around one place," Aren explains, growing quieter as he turns off the motorcycle and leans it against a nearby tree. "We need to ditch this; it'll only give us away. Plus, the deeper into the gas we get the harder it will be to filter it. We need to be careful." Tetsutetsu nods in agreement, his eyes glistening with excitement.

"So, we should run headfirst into the gas and punch whoever's in the middle!" He yells, running off. Aren sighs as his classmate yells, which defeats the main purpose of ditching their vehicle in the first place.

"Three. No, two people are heading straight for me. I guess a few of them avoided my gas and realized I'm here. I should've expected that from a prestigious school, but they're still only human." The gas villain scoffs, seemingly not bothered by the fact that he's talking to himself.

"Got you!" Tetsutetsu screams, jumping into the eye of the fog, which contains the small villain. A gunshot resonates in the air, the gas dampening the sound only slightly as the bullet hits Tetsutetsu. 

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