Chapter 94- Dorms

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Oh, look who's awake. Bakugo yawns, the actions forcing tears to water his eyes, almost sending them cascading down his face. I smile, unable to hide the amusement of seeing his hair even messier than usual.

"Says the one who kept me up all night," Bakugo grumbles annoyedly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Your limiters kept jabbing my windpipe."

Sorry, but I have to keep them in.

"As long as you don't end the world, I guess I'm fine with it," Bakugo shrugs. A knock sounds at the front door, Bakugo groaning annoyedly as he gets out of bed, quickly patting his hair into a more normal mess. Since he wore shorts and a t-shirt to bed, he doesn't have to change, so he just leaves the room. I follow him down the stairs, silently amazed by how big his house is. The stairs that connect the three stories twist along the wall of the main entryway, which is lined with ginormous windows to allow for natural lighting. The door seems small in comparison, but the wood somehow makes the entire house a bit more like a home.


"I got it, you old hag! Making me get out of bed..." Bakugo grumbles the last part under his breath, and his mother ignores him.

"Saiki! When did you get here?"

"Don't question him!" Bakugo screams, anger in his eyes, along with a bit of panic.

"Fine, fine. Just curious is all," Mitsuki winks at me, causing me to shiver.

She knows. Bakugo opens the door, his attitude immediately more mellow as he recognizes his guests. He bows his head slightly, stepping aside and gesturing for Aizawa, All Might, and Kuniharu to come inside.

"Welcome! Come in!"

"Kusuo? Why are you here? Do you know how worried I was?" Father immediately cries, embracing me while I stiffen like a dead fish. "You were just kidnapped, how could you leave home like that?"

I can take care of myself. Besides, you're here, doing your job. Don't act like you noticed my absence.

Crap, he's on to me.

"Either way, you should remain in the safety of your own home. You were just kidnapped, you don't know if the League will do something again," Aizawa points out. I roll my eyes, following the rest into the living room. Bakugo's father is already sitting on the couch, anxiously twiddling his thumbs as everyone filters in.

"As you've been informed, UA has decided to move students into dorms," Aizawa begins, already tired after a short day of travel and convincing parents.

"It'll be for the student's safety, of course," All Might adds, nervously holding his breath as he waits for a reaction.

"You kidding? Hell yeah, get this kid in a dorm room!" Mitsuki exclaims, casually smacking her son's head as she does so. Bakugo shakes like a volcano, exploding in anger shortly after she finishes her sentence.


"OH, HUSH!" Mitsuki whacks her son again, making sure her hit lands hard. "WE HAVE GUESTS, YOU WILL SHOW THEM MANNERS!"

"Come on guys, please don't fight..." Bakugo's dad frets, unable to do anything to stop his family's natural instincts.

"SHUT IT, YOU CLOWN!" Bakugo screams, his mom quickly siding with him against his dad. I chuckle at the exchange, glad to finally see how Bakugo acts around his family. Of course, it's the exact same. That makes everything better. Bakugo doesn't hide his true self to make his classmates think better of him.

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