Chapter 78- Stay Back, Bakugo

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"GIVE SAIKI AND KAIDO BACK TO US!" Deku yells as they hit the ground, his knee landing on Compress's spine. He can't use his arms to apprehend the villain- even he knows that any more movement may actually make them fall off- but he gets to his feet, his foot firmly pressed against Compress's shoulder blade. The younger villain's eyes widen as he rolls to the side, a soft grunt forcing its way from his mouth as he hits a stump at the end of the clearing.

"Wait! I know these kids! Who are they?"

"Out of the way, Compress," Dabi orders, blue flames blazing in his palm as he aims for the intruders.

"Got it," Compress answers, his voice strained. A blue cloud covers him for a moment, swirling around Midoriya's foot harmlessly. The greenette yelps in surprise as his foot hits the ground, Compress now gone. Dabi doesn't hesitate to throw a flame at the teens, who all just barely jump out of the way. Midoriya is the closest to being hit, but he falls backward so the flames only singe his hair. Tokoyami summons Dark Shadow to take the brunt of the flame. Dark Shadow doesn't appreciate it but does his job to protect Tokoyami anyway. Todoroki shields his right side with his left, yelling to his classmates as he allows the flames to lap as his heat-resistant skin.

"You're on Shigaraki's kill list!" Twice exclaims, jumping forward to attack the teens.

"They're all on his kill list," Toga reminds him, licking her lips as she watches Midoriya twist from his back to his knees, his breathing labored. He pauses for a split moment as he hears Bakugo's distant explosions and screams of anger intensify. The blonde barrels into Dabi, cutting off his flames. Both boys grunt at the sudden change of velocity, Bakugo's weight causing Dabi to fall to the side. Twice yelps in surprise as Todoroki blasts ice at him, narrowly missing as the villain contorts his spine around the attack. Toga ignores her companions, assuming that they can take care of themselves as she pulls out a needle, her face flushed as Midoriya fully stands.

"Hi, Izuku! My name's Toga!" She introduces herself happily as she throws her weapon at him, not at all bothered when it flies past him. Her smile widens as she jumps onto him, her weight keeping Midoriya to the ground as she talks. "I've been thinking since I saw you that you'd be so much cuter if you just bled a little more!" She explains, pulling a large knife out of her pocket and bringing it over her head so the swing has enough momentum to easily cut through the teen.

"Midoriya!" Tokoyami yells, ordering Dark Shadow to push Toga off of the boy. The force sends the blonde sadist flying across the clearing, but, not unlike a cat, she lands on her feet, sliding to a stop shortly after.

"So, that's how it is. You want to come between us. To be honest, you're not really my type," Toga's voice is its normal high pitch, though the tone is darker, but her eyes are completely different. Her aroused faces has been replaced with one of pure hatred. "But I'll cut you anyway," she narrows her eyes, the brilliant yellow orbs fighting to remain on Tokoyami instead of Midoriya. Tokoyami steps in front of his classmate, motioning for Deku to stay behind him as Dark Shadow protects both of them.

Dabi growls at Bakugo, who only snarls back. They need no verbal communication, and they don't use any. Bakugo sets off an explosion next to Dabi's face, his anger causing him to not hold back as he does so. Dabi grunts in pain, refusing to let out any sound that may signify that his skin is weak to flames, despite his quirk. He catches Bakugo's forearm, smirking as he creates flames that engulf the teen's arm. Bakugo winces in pain, pulling back from the villain and patting the flames out. Bakugo doesn't give the pain a second thought as he dives toward Dabi again, explosions popping in his hands.

Todoroki uses his ice to keep Twice at a safe distance from him while simultaneously attacking the villain. Twice is surprisingly light on his feet, dodging every attack and eventually using his measuring tool to cut the ice, landing on the flat area his make-shift weapon left behind.

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