Chapter 37- Patrol

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Kota and I remain silent for a while, staring through the trees as the sun slowly sets.

Kota! Time to come home! Is Saiki with you?

Kota rolls his eyes, sitting up. That's our cue. Want to teleport us back?

Sure, why not. I put my hand on the kid's shoulder, teleporting us back to the main area.

"There you two are! You've been gone for a while!" Kota nods, yawning and stretching his arms over his head.

"I'm going to bed."

"Oh, show Saiki where he's sleeping!"

"Mkay." I quietly follow Kota, not worried about my sleeping arrangements. I sleep better at home, so I'll teleport back every night to make sure I remain well-rested.

Though I can't let dad find out, he might get upset...

"Here it is." Kota stops, sliding open the door in front of us. It's a large room with multiple beds. "They run a summer camp or something every year. This is where they sleep." I nod, sitting on a bed near the door.

It's not very comfortable.

"Sorry about this. I'm sure you're used to a better bed." I shrug, still indifferent about where I'm supposed to sleep. It's not like they can stop me from teleporting. I'll be fine.

Thanks, Kota.

"No problem. If you need anything, I'm at the end of the hall." I nod, teleporting home the moment the door slides shut.

It's good to be home.

I close my eyes, happy with my decision to leave.

This should be fine.

I teleport back to the forest around 4 am, just to be sure they don't come in early for some stupid test that'll prepare me for quick missions or something. I already know that I won't be the type of hero that can be called. I'll save someone if they're right there, I guess. But if it gets in the way of my normal life, I'd rather ignore it.

As long as I don't end up as a sad teacher like my dad, I'll be fine.

"MORNING KITTEN! TIME TO GET DRESSED AND GO ON PATROL!" The Pussy Cats all say at once, as if they had rehearsed the words. The door behind them slowly slides shut, the force that they push it open with causing an awkward moment of long creaks as they stare at me.

"Oh, you're awake!"

"Aww, you ruined it!"

"I'm proud that you're on top of this, Saiki!"

"Come on guys, let's take him on patrol!" I roll my eyes as the Pussy Cats herd me out of the building, careful not to wake Kota.

They were just yelling in my room a minute ago, they probably already woke him up. Idiots.

"Okie dokie! Time for patrol!"

"We have to cover the entire forest by sunrise. There are some hiking trails near the road that sometimes have someone with a sprained ankle, we should check those first."

"Not that there's no action!" Tiger quickly adds, worried that I'll be bored.

"Oh, of course, there's action! Once, a rabid raccoon attacked a family of opossums! We were able to stop him, but one of the baby opossums didn't make it...."

"You're not helping, Rag Doll!"

I sigh, resisting the urge to shut them up as I use clairvoyance to scope the area. I notice a cat that somehow wedged between two walls. The tabby looks absolutely terrified. He's flailing around blindly, his tail bushed in defense and his eyes flattened in discomfort. I teleport to the cat, seeing as there's no one else in trouble in the forest.

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