Chapter 85- Escape?

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"Wait, Bakugo, you didn't put any effort into this!" Hairo exclaims, a gasp leaving his mouth as he suddenly realizes how similar Bakugo looks to his normal self, minus the school uniform.

"I changed my hair, didn't I?" The blonde grumbles as the group continues to walk down the sidewalk. There are only a few side glances from passing pedestrians, but it's typically a girl eyeing the boys, or the occasional teen ogling Yaoyorozu. It's completely normal for a walk, which proves their disguises are effective.

"You may have changed it, but anyone can tell who you are!" Kirishima whisper-yells, trying to keep attention off of them. "Let me help!" He smiles, grabbing a hair tie from Yaoyorozu and pulling Bakugo's hair in a high ponytail, which sits straight up on his head. The hair explodes from the tie like a small yucca plant. Bakugo shoos Kirishima away, but it's too late; Kirishima had managed to tie the hair up completely.

"You idiot, I'll look like a moron!" Bakugo yells, tearing the tie out in disgust. His hair falls back into place, though a few strands revert to their explosive nature. Hairo and Kirishima laugh at the image now burned into everyone's minds, which only makes Bakugo more upset. Midoriya is slightly terrified, and Todoroki and Yaoyorozu couldn't care less about the situation.

"Woah, look, it's UA High!" The group stiffens at those words, though they turn and realize it was not directed at them. Behind them is a large tv, which broadcasts the news in town. Currently, Nezu, Aizawa, and Sekijiro are on the screen, their heads low in guilt as they address the villain attack at camp.

"We are here to apologize." Aizawa begins, his face for once clearly visible as his hair is tied back. "A recent incident allowed harm to come to 27 first-year heroes, and we staff were ill-prepared. It's our duty to train heroes, but also to protect heroes-in-training." The three teachers bow, their eyes remaining fixed on the desk before them for a moment while cameras click around them.

"Aizawa hates being on tv..." Hairo mumbles, Kirishima nodding in agreement. Bakugo aggressively shushes them as reporters begin to question the teachers.

"Since the beginning of the year, UA students have had four encounters with villains. This time, there were students who were gravely injured. How did you explain this to their families? And what are some of the specific steps you're taking to ensure their safety in the future?" Bakugo tchs in annoyance, noticing Midoriya's unease as well.

"The media already knows what UA's stance is," Bakugo growls, his brow furrowing in frustration.

"They're treating them like... villains," Midoriya whispers, his concern growing.

"We will increase patrols around the school grounds and review security measures within the school. The safety of UA students is our main priority. Make no mistake about it." Nezu ensures, his high-pitched voice serious as he explains the plans. However, the plans do not comfort the crowd around the UA teens. Whispers of doubt fill the air, floating away and creating less certainty.

"A kitten???" Twice gasps, jumping onto his hands and knees to study the creature before him.

What a pain. I let out a long, pained meow, as if to say my life is terrible and I wish to leave this shit hole.

"What's a cute little guy like you doing in here? Jeez, you're ugly!" Twice gasps, picking me up and cradling me in his arms. I fight not to roll my eyes, and instead widen them and give him even more reason to help me. "Aww, I can't just leave you here!" He gushes, spinning in a circle while holding me above his head. He stops, turning his head around frantically, as if someone might walk in at any minute. "I have to get you out of here! You're mine forever!"

Wait, which one does he actually mean? I hiss at the sudden shirt over my head, though I calm down when I realize Twice is more likely than not sneaking me out. The large bump under the buttoned Hawaiian shirt he found on the floor may be suspicious to some people though. I sigh as I hear the door open and feel a slight breeze on my tail. I can't believe this is working.

"Here you go, little buddy! Now shoo, get out of here before my crusty boss comes back. He's a lovely man!" I nod my thanks, flicking my tail and sprinting off before the idiot can change his mind.

"You spoke about keeping the students safe, Eraserhead, but according to our information, you encouraged them to fight during the attack on the training camp, putting them in grave danger. What was your reasoning for this?" The reporter asks, a sly smirk on his face as he does so.

"I concluded that because we didn't know the full situation, allowing them to use their quirks would help avoid the worst possible outcome."

"And what would that outcome be? Do you think 26 victims and one kidnapped child is a win for UA High?"

"I assure you that things could have gone much more poorly. I feared every student would be tortured and killed in the end." Aizawa explains, which causes the reporter's sly smile to dissipate.

"Most of the victims were harmed by the gas attack. We've determined it to be the result of a poisonous quirk used by one of the villains. It's thanks to the quick actions of Miss Kendo, Mr. Kuboyasu, and Mr. Tetsutetsu that injuries were kept to a bare minimum. Additionally, we're providing mental health counseling to every student, though at the moment we do not see any signs of serious psychological trauma."

"So, you found a bright spot in this tragedy," the reporter rebuttals, his biased commentary clear.

"We're relieved that an entire class of burgeoning heroes still have a future," Nezu states, unnerved by the man he's speaking to.

"Can you say the same for Kusuo Saiki? He enrolled in your school and won the Sports Festival, but his persona seems to be marred by either uninterest or anger. There were many times during the Sports Festival where he lost control, he even had to be managed by Midnight. What if this is the reason he was taken by the League of Villains? What if they're brainwashing Saiki right now, pulling him to the path of evil? How can you sit there and tell us he still has a future?" Aizawa stands up, his eyes filled with anger, but he promptly hides this emotion by bending at his waist.

"As Saiki's teacher, I take full responsibility for not working on his... attitude. However, he may not be trying as hard as others to become a hero, but he will never join the villains. Not with that mom of his." Aizawa mutters the last sentence so only he can hear, but he knows that's the truth of the matter. Saiki is terrifying, but according to Aizawa's coworkers, his mother is even more so.

"That doesn't amount to real evidence, though. I didn't ask you how you feel I asked you if you had concrete information."

"We're doing our best with the intel we currently have available. I have no doubt the police will break this case very soon."


I have done it. I have graduated. Now I only have one more week of pure chaos before my life finally calms down a bit. 

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