Chapter 10- Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Bakugo!

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"Well done, teams! Now for the last battle! Team I will be the heroes, and Team D the villains!"

"That's fitting." Todoroki chuckles to himself, glancing at the angry juvenile beside him.

"SHUT UP, IDIOT!" Bakugo explodes, nearly grabbing the younger teen by the throat.

"Woah, there. Calm down, you two."


"Enough with the petty squabble!" All Might smiles, waving Bakugo away from Todoroki. "You'll fight in a few minutes. Away you go."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Bakugo mutters, leaving the room by himself.

"Aren't you his teammate, Teruhashi?"

"Heh... yeah. I should go catch up with him!" She smiles, concealing her fear perfectly.

"Good luck, Teruhashi!"

"You'll do great!"

"Thanks, guys!"

"Huh? Buddy? What are you doing in this dark corner?"

Damn, I've been found. And by Nendo, no less.

I was just leaving.

"Wait! Buddy, what are you wearing? That can't be your hero costume!" I shrug, not caring to look down at my outfit. I didn't feel like designing anything and I don't really need support items, so I'm just wearing the pants and undershirt from my old uniform. Nothing special, that way I don't draw unnecessary attention. "Here, let me fix it!"

What? No, stop. Nendo corners me, quickly scrawling out vague ab and nipple shapes on my shirt.

"There you go, buddy! Perfect!" He steps back, creating a rectangle with his thumbs and index fingers and staring at my new "costume" through it.

What a pain. I wipe my shirt down with my hands, slightly smudging the wet marker, but not removing it.

What is this?

"I used permanent marker so you can't get rid of it!"

That's what you think. I use restoration on my shirt, rewinding its clock to yesterday when it was clean. Nendo does not hesitate in redrawing the abs and nipples, creating them to be identical to before.

What the hell? How did he do that so fast? I try to restore the shirt again, but to no avail, since I can only restore once a day.

"Saiki! You have to go; the others are waiting for you!"

Yeah, yeah. I'm coming. I walk away from Nendo, scanning my shirt.

This won't work. I'll just mind control everyone so they can't see the marker. That is what I do, but Nendo once again appears, out of seemingly nowhere, and draws his beloved illustration on once more.

Why can't I hide it? Nendo's eyes glint a menacing red as he leans next to my ear, whispering so only I can hear.

"The author is on my side, Saiki." He walks away, leaving me trembling slightly. He waves over his shoulder, not bothering to look back at me. "Good luck, buddy!"

I can't believe I was paired with Saiki of all people! Ahh! I'm so nervous! He's so dreamy... Yumehara gushes to herself, crouched outside the designated building. I ignore her thoughts, staring at the building in front of us.

"Oh, Saiki! Hi!" She shoots to her feet, her face red in embarrassment.

Good thing I basically starved myself last week! I never would've thought I'd be lucky enough to get Saiki as a partner though!

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