Chapter 50- Erased

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"That last fight was kind of a disappointment, don't you think?" Uraraka asks, tilting her head at Midoriya, the only other person in the room as Recovery Girl heals Yumehara.

"No, not at all! I've never been able to get this much information on Saiki Sensei! I was wondering how he passed the provisional exam but judging by how well he did against Ojiro and Yumehara I'm sure it wasn't as difficult for him as I had originally thought!" Midoriya beams, quickly scribbling a few more notes in his notebook.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But don't you feel kind of bad for those two?" Uraraka mumbles, staring at the screen, watching Yumehara and Ojiro walk out of the city, their heads low.

"Well, yeah, but in the end, this is a good lesson for all of us! You can never underestimate your opponent!" Midoriya explains, looking up from his notebook. Uraraka nods, staring at Midoriya.

"Aren't you worried? You have to fight All Might, after all."

"I'm actually trying not to think too much of it." Midoriya chuckles nervously, scratching his head. "I don't want to rely on Saiki, but I'm not sure how I'm going to help, you know?" Uraraka hums, unsure how to comfort her friend. The door opens, revealing Recovery Girl, who ambles over to her chair.

"Oh! The next match is starting!" Uraraka mentions, motioning to the screen.

"This will be a good one!" Midoriya smiles, his pencil in hand.





The two teens make their way into the arena, which represents a small, friendly suburban neighborhood.

"Do you think they have ramen here?" Nendo asks, scanning the area for a restaurant. Todoroki shakes his head, keeping a watchful eye for the opponent.

"Look, I'm going to create a continuous flame. If it goes out, I need you to be ready to attack. Got it?"

"Huh? Oh, sure, buddy, whatever you say." Todoroki nods, motioning for Nendo to follow him. The two walk through the streets, careful to remain close to the buildings.

"Why'd they pair Nendo with Todoroki?" Uraraka asks herself, not expecting an answer but receiving one anyway.

"Well, during the sports festival their fight ended with Nendo's win. Todoroki was pretty shaken from his loss. I wouldn't be surprised if Nendo's quirk gave Todoroki some shock, he may even have PTSD now. He has to learn to work with people, no matter his relationships with them. That includes Nendo. Though Todoroki doesn't seem to be having any difficulties communicating with Nendo. He must of moved on from the festival." Uraraka glances at her friend, unsure whether or not to stop him. "As for why they're against Aizawa, Todoroki relies on his quirk, but Aizawa can erase it so that Todoroki is forced to rely on his combat skills, though I haven't really seen him fight without his quirk. I'm wondering if they wanted Nendo against Aizawa so that they can test how strong he is without his quirk since his speed and strength seem to have no correlation with it. But that's not necessarily true; he could have multiple quirks like Saiki or Todoroki."

"Hey, Midoriya? You're going to miss it!" Uraraka chuckles, glad when her friend jumps, quickly apologizing before turning his attention back to the battle.

"What are we doing?" Nendo questions, his face lifted up as he smells for any signs of food. Todoroki rolls his eyes, hushing the larger male.

"We're fighting Aizawa. Just remember to attack when my flame goes out, okay?" Nendo nods, deciding that would be the best action. Todoroki continues forward, making sure his flame is constantly burning in his hand. Todoroki catches a glimpse of movement on the rooftops across the street, and at that moment his flame dissipates.

"Nendo, he's her-" Todoroki is cut off by a fist to the face, which easily throws him to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" He yells, not caring that Aizawa is near, and drawing nearer by the second as he expertly runs across wires, staying perfectly balanced, not unlike a ninja.

"You told me to attack when the fire went out." Nendo reminds the boy, his head tilted in confusion. Todoroki sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing at the boy before him.

"I meant Aizawa, idiot."

"Why would I attack our teacher?"

"It's a test!"

"Oooohhhhh! A test!" Nendo gasps, suddenly understanding. He turns, his eyes glinted red as he spots Aizawa. Aizawa grabs his capture weapon, simultaneously jumping and throwing the material toward his opponents. It wraps around Nendo, causing Aizawa to smirk.

"You won't escape that," He sneers, yanking the material. He expected Nendo to fall forward, but instead he does, as pulling Nendo to the ground is similar to pulling against a rope tied to a tree. Nendo tilts his head, staring at the material wrapped around him. He outstretches his arms, breaking through the capture weapon with ease. Aizawa's eyes widen past his goggles, his mouth agape as his student towers over him.

His quirk was erased. How did he break his restraints that easily? Todoroki, the moment Aizawa blinks, blasts ice toward Aizawa, creating a wall between the teacher and the students. He pushes Nendo, signaling for the boy to run.

"Where are we going?"

"We need a better plan. Let's find someplace out of sight."

Aizawa, not surprised by the sudden ice wall, is already on the roofs, easily keeping up with the teens on the ground. Nendo glances over, his eyes narrowing as he sees his teacher.

"So, Aizawa's the bad guy?" Nendo questions, making sure.

"At this moment, yes." Todoroki huffs, annoyed that his partner doesn't seem tired even though they're sprinting.

"Good," Nendo growls, suddenly disappearing from behind Todoroki. Aizawa stops, desperately searching around him for the large teen. Nendo appears beside Aizawa, grabbing a hold of the hero's scarf. "Stop trying to hurt my buddy," Nendo growls, his eyes red as he stares down at his teacher. He takes the scarf, pulling it down to cover Aizawa's shoulders. Aizawa, unable to move, doesn't even struggle as Nendo throws him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Nendo appears next to Todoroki again, sitting the teacher down, a smile on his face.


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