Chapter 55- I Won't Win Without You!

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"So... why do you think they paired Kaminari and Teruhashi together?" Uraraka asks, tilting her head at the screen as the pair prepare themselves for their fight against Midnight. Midoriya hums in thought, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Kaminari will find it hard to focus around Teruhashi, he seems to lose himself around her, though I think everyone does..." Midoriya blushes a little, watching the screen as she flips her hair, talking to Kaminari, though inaudible to the kids watching. The greenette shakes his head softly, continuing his train of thought. "...and Teruhashi needs to be careful when using her quirk on him. If she isn't specific, he might fry his brain, then they're done for."

"Can't she just brainwash Midnight?" Mera asks, surprised by Midoriya's well thought out explanation.

"I'm not sure..." Izuku mumbles, his hand over his mouth. "Her quirk seems to work best on males, the only boys I've seen escape it is Saiki and Bakugo... Other than that, I think everyone has been under her trance at least once. It seems to be weaker on girls, which makes sense, seeing as her quirk uses her beauty to take control of other people's id. I don't doubt that Midnight has an... interesting id, but I don't think Teruhashi's quirk will be very effective against her. That might be why Aizawa decided to put this team against Midnight. It would be bad for the teacher's reputation if Teruhashi brainwashed them, even if it is her quirk."

"Deku, you're rambling again." Uraraka chuckles, nudging the boy.

"Oh! Right, sorry about that." He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I'm just nervous."

"You should be! Imagine having to fight All Might!" Yumehara states, her eyes wide. "I mean, I'm sure you'll do great, it just seems a little unfair, is all." She clarifies, munching on a chocolate bar, stress eating after her loss.

"Heh, yeah..." Midoriya chuckles, shaking slightly as he imagines what will happen.

"Don't look so down!" Asui smiles, patting her friend's back.

"Saiki is on your team. I think he has proved himself to be quite strong." Iida states, pushing his glasses up.

"But can he beat All Might?" Todoroki drones, his voice barely audible.

"Honestly, I think he can, easily." Midoriya sighs, his shoulders slumped. "But I won't pass if he does all of the work."

"You'll just have to help him then! You never know, he might appreciate it!" Uraraka cheers, giving Izuku a supportive thumbs up.

"Yeah... you might be right."

"Shh! It's starting!" Sero shushes the class, excitedly watching the screen. All of the boys grow quiet, their eyes focused on Teruhashi.





I don't expect him to have a plan, but I can't use my quirk on him. My quirk is pretty useless in this situation... Teruhashi sighs, her breath of despair making Kaminari turn his head in concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm fine." Teruhashi smiles, moving her hair behind her ear. "I'm just trying to think of a plan, is all." She explains, fiddling with her skirt as she thinks. Kaminari blushes, glancing away.

"I don't know how well it'll work, but can't you use your quirk to make me stronger?"

"I would, but I'm afraid you'll burn out too fast."

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