Chapter 47- Game Start

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"Let's begin. The teams will take the practical exam in the order you were called. We have a stage prepared for you. Tokoyami, Uraraka, you're up." Aizawa mentions, nodding at the teens.

"Yes, sir!" The pair replies, nervous to be going first.

"Those waiting their turn to fight can either watch the exams or try to strategize together as a team!" Kuniharu adds as the other teachers walk away. He eyes Aizawa, smiling when the tired male nods in agreement.

"That's all," Aizawa states, turning to follow the teachers. Kuniharu, still beaming with pride, looks around, jumping in surprise when all of the teachers are gone. He turns, running up and joining the group.

"Yaoyorozu, I'd like to discuss how we might be able to coordinate the use of our quirks," Iida mentions, gesturing between the two.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." The girl agrees, smiling.

"Mera, let's go come up with a plan!" Asui suggests, pointing to the building. Mera nods, biting her thumb in thought.

13 can easily destroy anything I create... this'll be tough. The students slowly trickle into the building, speaking with their partners and creating a plan.

"S-Saiki? Should we come up with a plan?" Midoriya asks, his nerves causing him to shake.

You can if you want. I won't be much help to you with planning.

"Th-that's not true!" Midoriya protests, his voice quickening as he begins to mumble. "I don't know much about your quirk and honestly you're so much stronger than me and since we're against All Might of all people it's going to be even harder but with you on my team it'll be fine and honestly I think All Might looked a little scared of you and we can use that to our advantage. Do you have any quirks that I don't know about?"

I have other quirks, but they aren't of importance, really. Midoriya nods, humming to himself before walking off, mumbling.

"Saiki is really strong and could probably just hold All Might back while I run through the gate. But then I feel pretty useless... Maybe Saiki could teleport behind All Might while I distract him! Then he could easily handcuff him and All Might would never know! Saiki could use fire like in his fight against Tokoyami as cover... Oh, Saiki turned invisible in his fight against Bakugo and Teruhashi at the beginning of the year, that would make it even easier for him to sneak up on All Might! But then I won't play a huge part and I might fail... I don't want to disappoint All Might..."

"Well, looks like I have my work cut out for me today!" Recovery Girl sighs, watching the monitor expectantly. Hairo nods, agreeing with the woman.

"If you need any help, my quirk can speed healing too!"

"Oh, my! What a wonderful quirk! I'll be okay but thank you for the offer."

"Of course!" The screen buzzes on, bringing up a cityscape.





The pair duck behind a building, whispering to each other.

"It's not very fair we had to go first. We had no time to plan!" Uraraka pouts, more nervous than angry.

"Cementoss will be a tough opponent. He can last for a long time. It may be smart for us to run." Tokoyami suggests, stroking his beak thoughtfully.

"Then we'll have to distract him to get past him."

"Precisely," Tokoyami and Dark Shadow nod. They tilt their heads as Uraraka's eyes light up.

"Then I have a plan," She smirks, now excited.

Where are those kids? There's nowhere to run unless they go through me! Hmm? Cementoss looks up, surprised to see the timid girl walking forward, more confident than he had expected. He shrugs, crouching down and placing a hand on the ground. A pillar of cement forms, raising tall and rushing for Uraraka. She jumps to the side, wincing as the cement rolls past. Once it passes, she gets up, darting like a gazelle, zigzagging toward her foe.

"That won't work," He sneers, sending more cement toward her. She braces for impact, allowing the cement to push her backward. It knocks her over, causing her to scrape her hands and knees on the rough ground. She gets right back up, determined. "Give up now," Cementoss warns, his attacks only getting worse. Uraraka doesn't respond, too focused on dodging. Some cement catches her foot, causing her to fall over and face plant into the cement. She looks up, her nose and head bleeding. She wipes the blood away, running forward once more.

This kid isn't giving up! If I keep this up, she might actually... but I can't go easy on her. I won't! Cementoss narrows his eyes, sending a wall of cement that stretches across the entire clearing and crashes through. It shoves Uraraka back, almost forcing her out of the arena. Uraraka, panicked, uses her quirk, easily floating above the cement. Why did she wait so long to use her quirk? Uraraka, still floating, begins to puke, her vomit raining toward Cementoss. He, terrified, creates a wall of cement above him that blocks the bits.

I don't think he's noticed yet... but I can't cancel my quirk! I'm stuck up here until... Uraraka glances toward the exit, sighing when she sees Tokoyami isn't quite through yet.

Why is she so nauseous already? She should have much better control of her quirk by now! Wait, where's the other one? Cementoss destroys his cover, standing up and narrowing his eyes against the bright sun. There! So, the girl was merely a distraction? Smart. Dark Shadow perks up, seeing that Cementoss is onto them.

"We have to hurry, Tokoyami."

"I know that!" The boy hisses, struggling to float faster. Cementoss, now aware of the plan, creates cement that cascades toward Uraraka, the closer target. Tokoyami widens his eyes, seeing that Uraraka is beaten up more than he had expected.

I can't just watch this!

"Dark Shadow, push me forward! Become my wings!"

"Got it!" Tokoyami, with Dark Shadow and Uraraka's help, flies through the air at impressive speeds, grabbing Uraraka just before she's hit by more cement.

"Just a little longer, Uraraka," Tokoyami whispers, nodding to Dark Shadow. Cementoss attacks once more, desperate to stop the teens, but Dark Shadow has gotten surprisingly fast, and the pair is already through the exit.


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