Chapter 93- I Missed You

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"Yo, Bakubro! You have visitors!" Kirishima beams as he shoves open the comically large doors leading to Bakugo's quarters. My breath hitches when I see him. He had been working out, doing bench presses with around 300 pounds. Due to his quirk and the heat of the room, his skin is glistening with sweat, and his shirt is abandoned in the corner. On his left pec is a western dragon, the wings reach his collar bone. Wrapped around his left arm is its tail, along with some flames and smoke. The black ink stands out against his pale skin, drawing attention to his pulsing muscles. His hair is a bit shorter, his spikes waning into an undercut, which has faded horizontal stripes cut into it as it gently fades into his neck. The blond grabs a towel, ignoring our presence as he wipes off the sweat on his face. When he finally glances up, his eyes immediately narrow in disgust as they meet Midoriya's.

"Why the fuck would you bring him here?" Bakugo immediately shoots forward, grabbing Midoriya by his collar and lifting him off the ground. Midoriya isn't the only one that's stronger in this timeline.

"I just wanna talk, Kacchan," Midoriya tries to explain, though he doesn't get a chance to. His voice is strained and weak as Bakugo pushes against his throat, anger coursing through him.

"Well, I just want to give you another dozen scars you bastard," Bakugo pulls his hand back, sparks flashing in his palm. I use telekinesis to stop Bakugo, forcing him to put Midoriya down and step back. The blond finally notices me; I release him and he slowly lowers his hand. "It's you," he growls, his fist clenching as it lowers. "How the hell did you get here? It's been a decade and you look exactly the same."

Time travel. But this timeline is altered, I need to bring back the real one.

"Like hell, you do. This is my world. Why would I change that?" He sneers, leaning toward me until our faces are inches apart. I stare into his crimson eyes, holding back the urge to lean in further. He's not my Bakugo.

Do you happen to know a man by the name of Saiki Kusuke? Bakugo pauses, pulling backward as he tilts his head.

"How the hell do you know that name?" The blond asks, greatly confused by my question. Good, he's in this timeline.

"Wait, Kusuke? Your top scientist?" Kirishima helpfully explains, much to Bakugo's frustration.

"Shut up!"

"Whoops, sorry!" Kirishima rubs the back of his neck, taking a few steps toward the door. "I'll just... let you guys finish this up!" He runs out while he still can, Bakugo fuming but deciding not to give chase.

I have more important matters to attend to anyway.

Can I see Kusuke?

"Hell no. He's been in incarceration for years. It's his fault we're in this mess to begin with. If he hadn't of started the war..." Bakugo sighs out of frustration, running his fingers through his hair. "He's been out of control ever since his brother died."

He's the reason I've been painted as a fucking villain.

"Wait," Midoriya interrupts, his breathing jagged and his brow furrowed in confusion. "You're a Saiki too," the greenette points out to me as if I wasn't already aware of that.

Kusuke is my brother. I explain, staring at Bakugo. I knew Bakugo couldn't be evil. This makes much more sense.

"How? You died years ago," Bakugo pauses, remembering that I mentioned time travel and nodding in understanding. This is confusing as hell. "I'll take you to him." Midoriya tries to follow, which causes Bakugo to glare at him, so he decides to stay behind.

"I'll meet you back at camp, Saiki!"

You won't, but okay. I follow Bakugo, leaving Midoriya to figure out his way home. It's not like this world will exist in a moment anyway. After multiple hidden doors and heavy vaults, no doubt made to keep Kusuke prisoner, we finally come to a room filled with computers, tools, scrap, and anything else Kusuke might need to invent. However, it looks like he is kept under strict surveillance.

"Saiki, you've got a visitor," Bakugo informs the blond, who immediately turns around, a gun pointed at us and his eyes crazed. Bakugo doesn't flinch, grabbing the weapon and using his quirk to destroy it, throwing the remains in a corner with a large pile of previously discarded materials. "Play nice asshole." Kusuke suddenly notices me, his eyes widening in utter shock at the sight of his dead brother.


This is the second time you've created a world war, you know that? I always have to clean up after you. Tears come to his eyes as he embraces me, crying into my shoulder.

"How? How are you alive? Wait, let me guess. Could it be you accidentally time traveled from a different reality, making a small change to the past, but when you returned, there was a butterfly effect? You met up with some survivors, fought your way to the leader of this world, learned that you've been dead, then found me. But that can't be right..."

This is the second time you've done this. You must be an oracle.

"So, I'm right?" I ignore his question, returning my own.

Why'd you start another war?

"It was an invention he made, not really him. But he kept making things that only made things worse." Bakugo explains, Kusuke nodding in agreement.

"I don't care about humanity at all, why would I start a war?"

So, this is exactly what happened last time. Wait. Did you make a time machine?

"Yeah! How did you know? Well, I guess you can read my mind, I hadn't realized how amazing it would be to have you back! Oh, but the time machine is useless, I built it to bring you back but it only goes back one day. I guess we can burn it now, there's no use for it anymore now that you're back!"
No. I'm using it. I take one last glance at Bakugo, marveling at his stature. He put his shirt on but his tattoo was visible through the white fabric, and his sweat made the shirt stick to his abs. See you around.

I sigh in relief as I finally return home, the world back to normal. Using the time machine to go back one day then traveling around without touching anything seemed to work. I teleport to Bakugo's house, desperate to see the him I know.

"Jesus Christ, Saiki! Don't do that!" He yells as I appear on his bed. He was just getting out of the shower, he's dressed but his hair is still wet. As soon as he calms down he realizes I would have a reason for being here, and comes to sit beside me on his bed. "What's up?" I lean toward him, gently placing my lips against his. He reciprocates, our lips moving together as he gently cups my face. I climb on top of him, pushing his back against the bed so we're lying down. After a moment I pull away to catch my breath, though I don't want to.

I missed you. I sigh, falling beside him and resting my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat; it's surprisingly calm. Bakugo chuckles, confused.

"I know you were just kidnapped but you're acting like you've been to a completely different timeline where I wasn't your boyfriend or something." I only hum in response, nestling closer to him as we both slowly drift off to sleep. 

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