Chapter 38- Iida and Shigaraki

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"Ohhh, Saiki!!!!"

What do you want?

"We've allowed you to do pretty much nothing so far, so it's time to do some real hero work!"

"That's right! We're going to Hosu City to patrol!"

That's oddly convenient.

"What did you say?"

Why Hosu City?

"Because it doesn't get a lot of action, especially since it's on alert right now, so hopefully we won't run into any tough bad guys!"

"We wouldn't want to put our little kitten in danger!" I roll my eyes, stretching my arms over my head.

"Say bye to Kota for me!" Mandalay yells, running off to get her costume on. I nod, not completely upset with the idea of speaking to the child again. I teleport outside his door, knocking gently.

"Come in." I open the door, stepping into his room. "Hey, Saiki."

Hey. Mandalay wanted me to tell you we're leaving.

"Yeah, I heard." I nod, not surprised. "Besides, I should probably tell you your new hero name before you go."

What, I don't get to pick?

"Of course not. I've already changed it."

Oh? So what is it?

"Pink Orb Guy."

You realize I can read your mind, right? Kota chuckles, scratching his head.

"Nothing? Darn. Well, I tried."

So 'The Average Hero- God', huh?

"That's what the people want."

Well, it's better. Thanks, kid.

"Sure. I'll make sure the author doesn't mess up again. And, if she does, I'll be here."



Yeah, I'm coming.


Why are we taking the train? I can teleport us there.

"But that's no fun! Besides, the later we're there, the more fun it'll be!" I sigh, attempting to get more comfortable, which is nearly impossible while I have Tiger on my left and the other three Pussycats on my right. The train slows to a stop, allowing more passengers to enter and fill the train. I spot a suspiciously familiar mop of green hair, and the thoughts coming from it conforms it.

"Saiki! I didn't expect to see anyone I know here! What a coincidence!"

Yeah, weird.

"Who's this little kitty?" Pixie Bob questions, smiling 'seductively' at Midoriya. The boy completely ignores her question, his face quickly lighting up as he realizes who I'm with.

"Woah, you're interning with the Wild, Wild Pussycats? They're so cool! They've been in the hero business for 12 years now! They specialize in mountain rescues, but their quirks work well together and they do amazing things elsewhere as well!"

"Aww, don't flatter us too much, kid." Mandalay jokes, petting his hair. Midoriya blushes, hiding his face in his arms.

"Oh, sorry! I just got excited and..."

"Hey kid, stop talking and sit down already." A very old, very short man grumbles, poking Midoriya in the side with his cane.

"Oh, right!" Midoriya basically squeaks, bowing to the Pussycats before taking a seat on the other side of the train.

What a pain.

"Hey, don't call him a pain! He seems like a nice kid!" I roll my eyes but don't contort. There's no point in starting an argument with these idiots.

"Hey, did you see that? A building exploded!" A man calls out, more excited than worried. The passengers crowd to one end of the bus, straining to see the damage.

"Passengers, please hold on to your seats." The train suddenly lurches to a halt, throwing everyone forward. A hero crashes through the side of the train, closely followed by a Nomu. I get to my feet immediately, just surprised by the occurrence as everyone else.

Why can't I read its thoughts?

"I want you to stay back, you hear me!" The old man yells at Midoriya, acting fast and kicking the Nomu in the head, then out of the train.

"GRAN TORINO!" Midoriya screams, ready to jump after him. He hesitates, glancing at the pro heroes still on the train. Ragdoll puts her hand up, glancing back at me.

"Make sure everyone's okay. We'll help him."

No way. Your quirks are better suited for rescue. Mine's better for fighting. I'll take care of this.

Ragdoll shakes her head, but Tiger nods.

"He's right, Tomoko. Listen to him." She sighs, putting her hand down to let me pass. I bow to Tiger, teleporting away to help the old man.

"What are you doing, kid? Get out of here!" Gran Torino yells, kicking the Nomu in order to distract it from the citizens it was pursuing.

I can help. My quirk is well suited for this fight.

"No one's quirk is suited for these monsters! Just get to safety!" A wave of fire washes through the clearing, swirling around the Nomu and burning it.

"I was looking for the elusive hero killer, but this thing will have to do. Thanks, old-timer. I'm afraid I don't know you, but I can handle this from here on out." Endeavor appears from the flames, strutting like he owns the entire city.

It's not the only one. I can sense chaos throughout the city. The pair pauses, glancing at me with concern.

"How many?" Endeavor growls, his flames becoming stronger as he prepares himself.

Not enough to stop me. I raise off the ground, levitating for a moment while I feel for the enemy. I can't hear their thoughts, but I know where they are. I use my telekinesis to grab them, raising further above the city. I spin in the air, speeding up with every turn. I let go of my power, throwing them into space. As the chaos in citizen's minds calms to confusion, I can hear the thoughts of two people in distress over the others.


It's Shigaraki. I would contain him, but...

I... I can't move... But... the Hero Killer Stain... he's right here... I need to get revenge for my brother! He... he needs this! I must get up! I must! I WILL KILL THE HERO KILLER! I WILL TAKE MY BROTHER'S NAME! I WILL BECOME... INGENIUM!

What a pain.


Voting results:






The Other Saitama-4


Sike -7


Thanks for voting and helping me out XD

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