What to Do for Izuku

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The month was now July with clear skies and nice warm weather with many middle school students preparing for final exams for the first term of their second year.

Meanwhile, Kyouka was doing her best not to yell out in frustration right now as she walked home with Izuku, doing her best to keep her emotions in check.

Tomorrow was July 15th, a very important day for her. Possibly being the most important day of the year.

Was it her birthday? No.

Parents' anniversary? No.

The day of the final exam? No.

That day would mark the day when the most amazing boy in the world was born. Tomorrow was Izuku's 14th birthday. But why was the purple haired girl so frustrated out of her mind?

She just couldn't think of what to do for the boy's birthday. For the 5 years that she's watched him, he's never had a big birthday party like most kids or even went out to eat with friends just to have fun. From what she could tell is that he's always just stayed at home, possibly celebrating with just his mom.

The girl remembered the first time she learned when Izuku's birthday was. She was still 8 years old so it hadn't even been a year of her watching him at the time. It was when he was walking home from school and had a little pin on his shirt that said happy birthday on it. It was probably a tradition that his elementary school had to celebrate every student's birthday and she confirmed this a year later when she saw the same pin on his shirt the same day.

But getting a gift wasn't the issue at all, the quirkless boy would probably be easy to get a gift for. For example, she could get him any type of All Might merchandise and she knew for a fact that he would love it. Hell, even if she didn't get him any gift it probably wouldn't make a difference to him.

She knew that he didn't care much about gifts or anything like that. That just wasn't in his nature. Like last year, when she wished him a simple happy birthday he started to cry tears of joy and acted like he got the most expensive birthday present.

She remembered when she panicked at his crying like usual before she saw his smile, feeling relieved that she didn't ruin his birthday.

She knew that she didn't really do anything for his birthday last year, but she thought that she hadn't earned that privilege yet considering they had only known each other for a few months at that point.

Maybe that was just her being scared about being too forward, but that's in the past now. This was a new year with the two of them being friends for over a year now and becoming officially best friends back in November. She had to properly celebrate his birthday this year, but the question was how she would go through with it.

She knew that she couldn't think too big, she didn't want to risk scaring him off with a big gesture like taking him to an expensive concert or something. Plus, she wasn't even aware of what kind of music he even likes so that would be hard enough as it is.

It definitely couldn't be too small either like giving him a high hive or buying him lunch. She didn't want to be that lame of a friend. She wanted to do something that would show him how much of a good friend she is.

'I just have to think of something soon! I'm going crazy over this!' She thought to herself, resisting pulling her hair out of frustration.

She then gently bit the tip of her thumb, trying to come up with anything to make Izuku happy for his birthday. She wanted this to be one of his most memorable birthdays of all time.

After a few minutes of thinking, the young girl started to have an iron-like taste in her mouth but decided to ignore it. 'I don't have much more time for this. If I don't think of anything by tomorrow, it'll be too late.'

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