Izuku Vs Bakugo

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Kyouka, Izuku, Bakugo, and Iida were now in front of the building with All Might standing at the entrance. "Bad guys, you can go on in and get set up. In 5 minutes, the good guys will be let loose and the battle will start."

Both Bakugo and Iida walked towards the entrance before being stopped by All Might.

"Young Iida. Young Bakugo. The key to being successful in this challenge is to embody villainy. Think from the perspective of an evildoer." The number one hero explained to the two boys.

"Got it." Iida simply said as he started to walk into the building.

"That won't be so hard for you, huh?" Kyouka asked as she smirked at Bakugo.

"Eh? What's that supposed to mean, Earlobes?" Bakugo asked as he glared at the girl

The purple haired girl simply crossed her arms as she raised an eyebrow. "I think you know."

"Is this really the best time for this, Kyouka?" Izuku whispered in the girl's ear as sweat dropped down his head.

"Whoa, now. You can fight when the battle officially starts. But if things go too far, I'll step in." The muscular man said, his eyes mainly focused on Bakugo.

"Fine." The ash blonde boy simply said as he glared at the two friends before walking into the building as well.

All Might then left to the monitoring room, leaving Izuku and Kyouka with the floor plans as the boy took off his respirator. "This battle is going to be tough with Kacchan and Iida involved. They both have such strong quirks, but I think I can find a way to work around that."

"What kind of ideas are you brainstorming?" Kyouka asked as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Well knowing Kacchan, he's going to immediately rush at us and he'll probably leave Iida behind with the weapon. Their personalities are pretty much total opposites so I doubt there'll be much teamwork between the two of them. We can use that to our advantage by avoiding Kacchan for the duration of the battle. Then we can attack Iida together and hopefully capture the weapon." The green haired boy explained as he looked at the floor plans.

The purple haired girl raised an eyebrow at this as she gave a confused look. "Why should we just avoid Bakugo? Surely we can both take him on, right?"

Izuku looked at his friend before giving a small nod. "It's possible that we can both take down Kacchan together, but there are a few issues with that. First, I still don't have any control over One For All and it's not like I can just go all out on him. Second, we don't know if Kacchan has any tricks up his sleeve that could prove very troublesome to us. And third, fighting him might take too much time and then we'll run out of time before we can capture the weapon from Iida. It's too risky and playing it safe is our best bet here."

'As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. Izuku could definitely take down Bakugo instantly if he hits him with a full powered punch, but he wouldn't do that because that would kill Bakugo. I guess avoiding him is our best bet...' The young girl thought to herself before nodding.

"Alright and I can track his movements with my quirk as long as we use it often." The purple haired girl said with a smile.

Izuku smiled back as he looked back at the floor plans. "That's exactly what I had in mind. We can even track where Iida is as well with your quirk as long as he's not being super quiet. He doesn't know how your quirk works and I doubt Kacchan would bother telling him anything so he has no reason to be quiet."

Kyouka then looked at the floor plans before sighing. "We'll certainly have to take our time as we track Bakugo's movements while avoiding him at the same time. But with a plan like this, I know we can win this thing."

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