The Sports Festival Begins

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It was the night before the Sports Festival and Kyouka had just gotten changed into her pajamas as she sat on her bed, writing in her notebook.

Today has been pretty uneventful since she spent most of the day doing basic workouts to prepare her body for tomorrow.

She hadn't seen Izuku all day because in the morning he called her and told her that he wanted to spend all day by himself. He didn't specify why he wanted to be by himself, but he sounded really sorry by the tone of his voice.

Of course, she wouldn't get mad at him for something like this, but it did make her wonder why he wanted to be alone. After all, this seemed too out of character for him so he must've had a good reason.

Maybe he just wanted to take a break today since he made a huge leap in controlling his quirk.

But that wouldn't make sense for him to do. Maybe anyone else would take a break after such an achievement, but Izuku would take advantage of the situation instead.

Even yesterday after learning Full Cowling, Izuku spent the rest of the day trying to get used to being in that state. He even tried to eat his ramen while using Full Cowling.

Then maybe he wanted to spend all day training and wanted to be completely focused without her around.

Wait, but why wouldn't he want her around?

Does he see her as a distraction then? Will her being there only mess up his training? Has he felt that this entire time? If she hadn't been around during his 10 months of training with All Might, could he have cleaned up all of the trash faster and gotten One For All sooner?

If that were the case then he would've had much more time to learn to control his quirk and wouldn't have had to break his bones as much.

Is she the reason that he hurts himself so much when he uses his quirk? After all he's done for her, all she's ever done is cause him misfortune? If that's the case then could he ever love someone as horrible as her?

Kyouka then widened her eyes as she heard a sudden snap before seeing that she broke her pencil in half. "What the..."

She had written all of her current paranoid thoughts without even realizing it and managed to fill 2 whole pages with these thoughts.

The young girl looked at her notebook, noticing that all the words were messily written and weren't even inside of the lines as she sighed. 'This looks like it belongs to someone in an insane asylum... God, what is wrong with me? I shouldn't be thinking about that kind of crap.'

Of course he wouldn't see her as a distraction. And if he did then he would certainly tell her in the kindest way possible. It has to be some other reason.

"I guess I'll just ask him tomorrow." Kyouka mumbled to herself as she closed her journal, slipping it under her bed before laying down on the bed. "Tomorrow is the big day, isn't it? The entire world will be watching me and Izuku perform at the Sports Festival. Is this actually happening?"

She used to never be too interested in the Sports Festival when she was much younger. It was just some other event on TV like a sports game or something. But after meeting Izuku and figuring out his love for heroes, she made watching it an annual tradition because she figured it would make her closer to him in some way.

Her parents were definitely confused at the sudden shift in interest, but they figured that kids change their minds a lot on what they do or do not like so they didn't pay it much mind.

Kyouka remembered back to the early days of her friendship with Izuku in their first year of middle school. He wouldn't engage in too many conversations with her because he would be too shy and have little to no confidence in himself. And it was always her that started the conversations and she didn't mind it too much, but she would've preferred to hear what he wanted to talk about.

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