Rising Shield Hero

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The sun was now setting in Shibuya as Kyouka laid on one of the couches in the agency and kicked off her boots, feeling completely beat for the day.

It was the second day of her internship and it was just as hardworking as it was yesterday.

Since beginning her internship, she has assisted in searching for missing cats and dogs, helped the elderly walk across the intersection, picked up litter in the streets, and helped chase after a couple of pickpockets. Well, it wasn't really much helping as much as it was following Crust while he chased after them.

But even when she and Crust weren't helping other people, they were running around the city throughout the entirety of their patrol, only taking small breaks every so often for a drink of water and one 10 minute break for a quick lunch.

Now her legs were sore as hell and her feet were absolutely killing her.

God, what she wouldn't do for a nice massage right about now. It makes her wonder if Izuku would be any good at giving massages. She would definitely love to be the judge of that whenever the opportunity arises. She would bet all of her money that he would be amazing at them.

But alas, no option for any massages were available to her right now, so she had to deal with her dying feet.

Her boots were definitely not made with much running in mind. While she was at the development studio asking for the modifications to her costume, she asked if it's possible for her boots to be compacted so they could be more flexible and maneuverable so her feet won't be tortured as much.

Unfortunately, Power Loader informed her that she would have to sacrifice power in her speakers for that to happen. So that plan had to be thrown away. She'll take power over comfortableness anytime if it means she can protect Izuku better that way.

For now, she'll just enjoy the time she has to relax her legs and feet, but it wasn't going to last as long as she would like.

Unfortunately, she's only on a break right now and she'll be heading out to patrol again in about an hour. At least nighttime patrols weren't as exhausting, not lasting as long as daytime patrols and not taking place under the sun.

Even though it was all exhausting, Kyouka would be lying if she said that she didn't feel a little proud of her actions. Every man, woman, and child she's helped out today has given her a smile whenever she helped them out and it felt nice.

But so far, there was no one sweeter than that little girl she helped out yesterday. But who knows? That could change this week or anytime during her hero career. Maybe it's purely recency bias.

Kyouka then pulled out her phone and tried calling Izuku, but wouldn't get an answer. 'Dammit, I really wanted to hear his voice this time. This sucks.' She threw her hood on, covering her eyes with it. 'Maybe I can take a nap here and at least dream about him...'

She tried calling him yesterday as well after her patrol with Crust was finished, but she didn't get an answer just like today.

He texted her the next morning, apologizing ten times at the fact that he didn't answer her call and explained that Gran Torino trained him almost the entire day and that when she called him, he was too exhausted to pick up his phone.

Of course, she understood very well and didn't hold it against him, but it didn't make her feel better at the fact that she was missing him like crazy right now.

Kyouka began to slowly close her eyes, ready for that nap until hearing the doors of the agency loudly fling open, causing the girl to slightly jump.


Kyouka reluctantly raised her hand, recognizing that voice as Crust's as she silently prayed that he wouldn't end her break early.

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