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Kyouka was power walking through the halls of Hosu General Hospital, looking at every room number to make sure she finds the one she's looking for.

When she arrived at the hospital, the first thing she did was ask the receptionist for the room number of Izuku, Iida, and Todoroki.

The young girl didn't even take the time to say 'thank you' when she was told the room number, but instead quickly threw the receptionist an item that was barely caught before running off.

Unfortunately, she was stopped by a doctor who told her that she was not allowed to run in the hospital. Kyouka wanted to tell her to screw off, but she decided that it was best to not piss off a doctor. It would also be unfortunate if that doctor was taking care of Izuku and they ran into each other in his hospital room.

Maybe being told not to run was for the best anyways, considering that she was carrying two items, one of them being more important than the other and very fragile.

Kyouka was holding onto the case that contained her hero costume in one hand and a bouquet of yellow daisies in the other. Personally, she would've preferred to get flowers that were a little more intimate, but with Iida and Todoroki being in the same room as Izuku, it would've been extremely awkward for her to give flowers only meant for Izuku and she didn't want him to think that she only cared about his health and happiness without thinking about the other two, even if it was the truth.

'Thank god Crust allowed me to visit Izuku in the hospital this morning. I still have to be at the agency by noon though. It's not as much time as I would like, but it's better than nothing.'

Kyouka tried to ask if she could go to the hospital last night after she and Crust left the crime scene, but the hero insisted that it was too late in the night and that Izuku, Iida, and Todoroki should have time to themselves tonight to rest.

She personally didn't care too much about the other two, much less Todoroki, but Izuku must've had a stressful night himself, so he deserved plenty of rest.

And although she got confirmation from two Pro Heroes, Endeavor and Gran Torino, that he was alright last night, she wasn't satisfied one bit. She had to see him with her own eyes and she wouldn't have it any other way.

If Crust hadn't given her permission to visit Izuku, she probably would've just ditched today's internship with no hesitation, even though that would have gotten her in some serious trouble with the hero.

Last night, she stared at her phone for hours, wanting to call Izuku and spam him with calls until he answered, but she didn't want to seem like a bother to him when he should've been resting. She didn't stop staring at her phone until sleep overtook her at 5 in the morning.

Thankfully, she woke up to a text from Izuku, asking her if they could call, but Kyouka had to force herself to tell him that she was busy and unavailable at that time. She decided that she wanted to surprise him at the hospital herself and she would prefer if she could hear his voice in person first rather than on the phone.

Kyouka now stood in front of the door with the room number the receptionist told her and paused, bracing herself for Izuku's current condition. Every other time Izuku had been injured and sent to the nurse's office, he'd have at least one broken limb. Now he's at the hospital in the same city that went through a Nomu attack last night and he most likely fought against The Hero Killer: Stain, if her suspicions are correct.

Kyouka gripped her case tightly and swiftly opened the door to rip off the bandage. But instead of giving a concerned or relieved expression, her expression was simply deadpan at the scene right in front of her.

Izuku and Iida were both in a fit of laughter while Todoroki was looking utterly confused and mortified at the same time. 'Did I miss something or...?'

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