An Explosion of Emotions

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Ibara and Tokoyami heard a Chainsaw revving up before hearing three more of them rev up, followed by the sound of a spinning drill.

They weren't sure what they were more intimidated by; the sound of the buzzing chainsaws and the spinning drill, or the silhouette of a large figure that stood before them.

But what this silhouette was, would be revealed as the gas cleared.

Now they could clearly see what was in front of them.

They were looking up at a large, green Nomu that had six extra arms protruding from its back. Each arm had a tool attached to it, being four chainsaws, a drill, and a hammer. But on one of its primary arms, it was holding a blue and bloody headpiece that looked familiar to them.

Tokoyami recognized the headpiece as he felt a lump form in his throat. 'Is that Pixie-Bob's?'

The Nomu faced them without any movement or expression, as if it was just as scared and as confused as they were. It gave them hope that they could simply go around it without any need to fight.

But when Ibara took the first step, she stepped on a dry leaf, making the Nomu screech loudly before charging at her.

"Shiozaki, get back!" Tokoyami launched Dark Shadow at the Nomu.

Dark Shadow was back to the size he was before, being about half the size of the Nomu as he pushed the creature back. "Back, you freak of nature! You want your ass beat that badly?!"

The Nomu smacked Dark Shadow's head with a hammer before starting to wail on his head with the tool.

Dark Shadow tried to resist the pain in his head, still pushing the Nomu back. Once the Nomu was a fair distance from Tokoyami and Ibara, he delivered a strong right hook to the Nomu's head.

Vines erupted from the ground as Dark Shadow backed off. The vines started to wrap around the Nomu's entire body until it was encased like a cocoon.

The Nomu immediately sliced through the vines with its chainsaws and sliced through a tree before grabbing it and throwing it at Ibara.

Ibara managed to catch the tree in time with her vines before throwing it back at the creature.

But the Nomu sliced the tree in half, right through the middle, before Dark Shadow went back on the offensive. He constantly threw punches at the Nomu's body, but all the punches seemed to be doing was pushing the creature back. However, it did seem to block any punches headed toward its head.

So at least that told them that this Nomu isn't invincible.

"How powerful do you believe this abomination is?" Ibara asked as she took off her gas mask, slowly spreading her vines across the area.

"I'm not certain yet..." Tokoyami took his gas mask off as well and kept his eyes focused on the Nomu, while also trying to keep Dark Shadow in control as he panted. "Thankfully, this Nomu doesn't seem as deadly as the one my class encountered at the USJ. If it was, then we would have been dead already. But that doesn't mean we should let our guard down for a second."

"In perilous situations such as these, we have to keep faith that we will be guided to victory and survival." Ibara clasped her hands together, looking like she was about to perform another prayer.

"Shiozaki, no offense, but I don't think that now is the right time for-" But Tokoyami stopped himself as he saw more vines erupt from the ground, grabbing the Nomu's legs and starting to swing it around.

The Nomu let out a screech as it was about to slice the vines off, but before it could, its body was slammed against a tree.

Vines then shot out from that tree and other trees in the area, tightly wrapping around each and every one of its arms.

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