Exam Prep

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It was near the end of June, and Kyouka felt pooped right now as she slowly tapped her pencil against the desk. "Finally. Tests are all over now..."

"Not even. We still have finals next week, you know." Sero reminded the girl. "And we need to pass the written and practical portion of the finals in order to go to that training camp."

"Shush. Don't remind me of that right now. Let me enjoy the fact that I got through it all and got a solid score at that."

Aizawa told them a little while back that they would all be spending summer vacation together for training at a camp in the woods. But the only ones who would be allowed to go were those who passed their final exams. And those who failed would have to go to summer school.

Kyouka found this partially exciting. It was exciting that she would be spending her summer at a camp with Izuku, but the not so exciting part was that others would be around.

It could've been perfect. She and Izuku camping under the starry night sky with a campfire in front of them and feeding each other smores. Maybe sleeping in a nice tent together, but it's a freezing night so they would have no choice but to snuggle up together for warmth.

This could happen if everyone else in the class somehow failed their exams, and it was only her and Izuku, but that's pretty much impossible.

Of course, it can become a possibility if she were to somehow sabotage everyone's scores and make it seem like they all failed, while only she and Izuku passed. But there's no way in hell she can pull something like that off. She's not clever enough and she doesn't have anyone on the inside to do it for her.

But of course, the main reason she's not doing it is that it would obviously be a horrible thing to do to the others. Yeah... that's totally it. Well, she wouldn't sabotage Momo's scores at least, knowing she would give her and Izuku the privacy they needed. Maybe she would leave Koda and Tokoyami's scores alone as well, seeing as they're the type to always keep to themselves.

"Easy for you to say. Ya got Midoriya as your study partner. Of course you'll be ranked 6th in the class." Sero grumbled, resting his chin on his desk.

Kyouka smirked and gave her pencil a spin in between her fingers. "Now don't get all butt hurt about it. You can join Yaoyorozu's study group. You might get a better score then." She gestured to Kaminari, Mina, Ojiro, and Toru, who were all currently begging for Momo's help to study for the finals.

Sero sighed, slightly lifting up his head. "If you like the idea so much, why don't you do it instead?"

"Hey, I totally would, but Izuku and I have been studying together since our first year of middle school, and it's a tradition I don't plan on breaking. A great study partner and friend. Couldn't ask for anything better."

"Oh yeah? Mr. Rank 4 is the best there is to offer?" Sero gave a cocky smirk. "Hey, maybe you should ask Mr. Rank 3 for hel-"

Sero found himself face to face with two earphone jacks and Kyouka having a shadow cast over her eyes.

"You really wanna finish that sentence?" The girl asked, her tone completely cold and deadly before seeing the boy shake his head. "Good. Now go ask Yaoyorozu about help with studying before I repeat that stupid comment in my head."

Sero quickly made his way to Momo, grumbling about Kyouka's bad attitude as Izuku came back from having a talk with Todoroki about the midterms. "Uh, what's Sero in such a rush for?"

Kyouka smiled at her hero as she twirled around her earphone jack. "Oh, he just wants to RSVP for Yaoyorozu's special study session."

"Special study session?"

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