Success in Failure

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"So...Are ya gonna leave me hangin' forever or what?" The man asked, narrowing his eyes at Izuku.

Izuku hesitantly tapped the man's fist with his own. 'Who is this guy?'

"Now was that so hard?" The man flicked Izuku's forehead. "So, ya going to accept her confession or give her heart the hard boot?"

Izuku's ears went bright red as steam expelled out of them. 'Why do you want to know that?!'

"Just messin' with ya, kid!" The man let out a booming laughter, slapping his knee.

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, not appreciating this complete stranger deciding to tease him out of nowhere.

But as he watched the man laugh, something clicked within his brain. He remembered seeing this man in his dream along with what seemed like the other One For All users. So that must mean he's one as well.

And if their standing order indicates what number they are...Izuku started to count with his fingers until he got to five. Luckily, he stopped at five, since that was as high as he could go with only having his right hand available to him.

The man took notice of what the boy was doing and raised a brow. "Connected the dots, did ya, brainiac?" He pointed to himself with his thumb. "That's right, I'm the fifth user of One For All. The name is Daigoro Banjo. Now, I should probably start explaining the real reason I'm here to talk to you. Believe it or not, my main purpose here isn't to talk to you about that confession. As much as I'm happy for ya, that doesn't matter in the long run."

Izuku deadpanned. 'Then why did you have to bring it up in the first place...?'

His eyes then shot wide open, remembering that he still has to get Tenya and Katsuki back from Compress. He can't stay here, talking to this man when all that's happening.

It was clear that this boy was in a panic from just his eyes alone and even though he knew he couldn't talk, he did whatever he could to get any word out to tell Banjo that he needed to get out of here right now.

He felt guilty about wanting to leave one of his predecessors when the man clearly wanted to speak with him, but there were more important matters at hand right now.

"Oh, you're probably wondering about getting that villain and saving your friends, right? Well, don't sweat it. Time is barely passing in the real world while we're talking here...I think." Banjo scratched his chin, looking unsure of his statement.

'Even if I did try to get out of here with force, it doesn't seem like I can do a single thing. So, the best thing to do is listen closely and hope that he was right about time barely passing.' Izuku internally sighed, letting his body relax. 'Still...It would be nice if this guy could give me 100% certainty.'

He wasn't sure what exactly he expected from one of his predecessors, but he at least expected some professionalism from them.

Wait, is this how Kyouka feels about All Might when he pushes him? Interesting.

Banjo snapped his fingers in front of Izuku's face, snapping the boy out of his thoughts and getting his full attention. "Ya with me?" He got a nod in response. "Good, cause I'm gonna need ya to listen real closely here."

Izuku saw that this man returned to having a serious expression, but he somehow looked even more serious than he did before as he slowly leaned in closer to the boy.

"Look here, you've gotta understand something about One For All...Don't be a dumbass about it!" Banjo delivered a hard chop to Izuku's head.

'I thought he was about to say something profound...' Izuku sweatdropped as he placed his hand on his head. The chop didn't hurt in the slightest, but he still felt some kind of force hit his head.

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