First Step

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Kyouka was standing at the station with Aizawa and the rest of her classmates as she held the case that contained her costume inside of it. Today is when everyone will be beginning their internships with their chosen hero agencies.

She was still super bummed out, but a lot less angry at the fact that she won't be with Izuku during this weeklong internship. Here she thought the universe was on her side, but it had to do a 180 on her.

But if there was any bright side to this, it's that Izuku will be interning under what seems like an amazing hero who can help him with One For All. If this hero improves Izuku's control or teaches him anything helpful, then it'll be all the worth it.

It's expected of someone who supposedly taught All Might in his highschool days after all. However, she had to admit that she was a little worried for Izuku at the fact that Gran Torino scares All Might of all people.

Well, she scares All Might too, but this hero seems to scare him the same way you would be scared of a drill sergeant.

Izuku would most likely have to go through some rough and intense training with this guy.

Before they arrived at the station, Kyouka made sure that Izuku brought along a first aid kit she personally prepared for him. It even included an ice spray that relieves pain, because she knew for a fact that he would need it.

It wasn't her proudest moment to admit that it's inevitable for Izuku to get hurt during basic internships, but safety first, right? At least any of the injuries he'll face won't be serious, that's for certain.

"Everyone has their costumes, right?" Aizawa asked. "Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet, and don't lose them or anything."

"So, would Hagakure be in trouble for streaking or wearing her costume in public?" Kaminari asked with genuine curiosity.

Aizawa just looked at Kaminari, not knowing how to process this question. "... Just be quiet and be respectful, Kaminari."

Izuku cupped his chin. "That's actually a good question... How exactly would her costume apply to those rules? It would probably be seen as indecent exposure, considering her costume consists of only gloves and shoes. But what if she only wore gloves or shoes? Would that count as her wearing her costume out in public or-"

He suddenly found Kyouka's hand over his mouth with her face turned away from him. "Please stop talking about that, Izuku... This is something you'd be best not to analyze..."

The girl's face was bright red as she kept her hand on Izuku's mouth, wanting Izuku to stop talking about Toru's public nudity as soon as possible.

"Kids..." Aizawa muttered under his breath. "Remember to mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it."

"Yes, sir!"

The students began to make their way to their respective trains for their internships, but Kyouka, Izuku, and Ochako chased after Iida. The three of them let Iida know that he can talk to them whenever he wanted to. Iida simply accepted their kindness and left, leaving a slightly uneasy feeling between the three friends.

Ochako soon left for her train to Gunhead's agency, leaving the two friends by themselves.

Kyouka will be heading to Shibuya, Tokyo for her internship with Crust and her train won't be arriving for a few minutes.

"Hey, my train doesn't arrive for another 20 minutes. How about I see you off?" Izuku requested, rubbing the back of his neck.

Kyouka nodded immediately. "Yeah, I'd like that."

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