Battle on

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Cementoss was currently using his quirk to create a fighting arena before finishing it up. "That's it. I'm pretty much done here."

"Thank you, Cementoss! Hey, sports fans! Are you ready?!"

Kyouka was sitting at the bleachers with the rest of her classmates as she twirled around her earphone jack. 'Izuku's match is about to start any minute now. I wonder how long it'll last. Shinso's only trump card seems to be his weird mind control quirk, but Izuku knows the secret behind it, so that's not an issue. He'll be lucky to last a minute against Izuku.'

"I seriously hope Midoriya wins this." Ojiro said from behind her as he nervously tapped his foot against the ground.

"You have nothing to worry about. This is going to be an easy win for him." The purple haired girl stated with full confidence as she turned towards Ojiro.

"I hope you're right... You really have a lot of faith in Midoriya, don't you?" The tailed boy asked with a sigh.

Kyouka nodded as she returned her attention towards the arena. "Of course I do. Izuku's never once let me down before and there's no way in hell he's going to start now. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, Ojiro. It's going to be a treat."


"After all the action you've already witnessed, it's time for the real battles to begin! Can you feel the excitement?! Our competitors are on their own now! Sometimes, heroes have only themselves to rely on! Heart. Skill. Strength. Wisdom. Courage. They'll have to use all of these things to rise to the top!"

Izuku had his eyes closed and was standing in the corridor that led to the arena with his hand on his chest, mentally preparing himself for his match.

"Hey." A voice called out to Izuku before he turned around to see All Might in his scrawny form as the hero gave a thumbs up. "Sorry I haven't said hi. You've been great. Your public speaking skills could use some work, but overall it was a great speech. And I can see that you've finally harnessed One For All."

Izuku gave a small smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, but it's only 5% so far. I'm nowhere near being able to achieve 100% of your power. My body's still so weak."

The scrawny man patted his successor's shoulder. "Hey, no need to put yourself down. You're making progress and that's what counts. You just gotta keep training and soon enough you'll be able to use 100% of One For All."

The green haired boy sighed as he looked down. "Yeah, but it seems like such a long road ahead..." He then looked back up at his idol before making a fist. "However, I'll still do my best and try to make you proud!"

"Now that's exactly what I want to hear. Listen. Whenever you're scared or nervous about a fight." All Might started to say as he transformed into his muscular form and gave a thumbs up. "Just try and deal with it by smiling! You've made it this far, kid! Even if you're worried, you must stand tall! Don't forget that I'm counting on you, and cheering you on!"

Izuku nodded and smiled before turning towards the arena, seeing flames erupt from all four corners of it. "Guess I'm up."


"Alright, audience! Let's cut to the good stuff and not delay these finals any longer! Welcome our first fighters!"

The big screen showed off Izuku and Shinso as both of the students walked towards the arena before stopping at opposite ends of each other.

"Whoa, he looks kind of scared in that picture, doesn't he? It's Izuku Midoriya from the hero course. This plain-looking boy has been on a winning streak since the start of the festival! Let's see if he can maintain it! Versus, Hitoshi Shinso from general studies, who really hasn't done anything to stand out yet! The rules are simple. Immobilize your opponent or force them outta the ring! You can also win by getting the other person to cry uncle! Bring out the injuries, cause we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! So put your morals aside and don't be afraid to play dirty! But of course, no life threatening crap, folks! It's not allowed! Real heroes use their power to throw villains in jail, not kill them!"

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