The Calm Before the Storm

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It was early in the morning in the month of April. Today was the first day of middle school for Aldera, but for two friends it would be their 3rd and last year in middle school.

These two friends were on their way to school as the boy took in a deep breath. 'This is it. This is the year that'll decide my future once and for all.'

The girl took notice of the boy's overly prepared face and smiled. "Hey, no need to take in deep breaths right away. It's only the first day, Midoriya, we'll be fine."

Izuku breathed out as he looked at his friend. "Well, it's just that, this year is going to be very important for all of us, Jirou. I want it to go as smoothly as possible."

Kyouka nodded as she gave a small sigh. "Yeah I know, but overthinking it isn't going to help much. As long as we study hard and keep our grades up, we'll be set."

"I guess you're right, but I can't help it when the nerves are taking over." The quirkless boy explained.

"Don't worry, Midoriya, we'll go through it together right?" She asked as she gave him a thumbs up.

The boy's face went a little red, but not as red as it used to get before nodding as he smiled at her. "Of course, I know we can help each other out."

'I know you can do anything Izuku, just keep working hard and you'll make it through.' The teen girl thought to herself as she looked up at the clouds.

They both continued to walk to school as two keychains rattled as they walked.

Izuku's backpack had the purple guitar keychain his friend got him for his birthday last year. It was the first time he's gotten a gift from someone else other than his mother so it was something he cherished.

Kyouka's backpack had a small All Might keychain that her hero got her for her birthday last year. This was certainly her most treasured possession considering he gave it to her so she could think of him.

She remembered how shy he was when he gave it to her outside of her house. She was so lucky her parents were out buying a birthday cake or else her dad would've chased the boy out without a warning.

Maybe one day she could invite him over to her house, but wouldn't be for a while. She was fairly confident that he wouldn't just randomly show up like she did on his birthday. It was times like these where she was glad the boy was as shy as he was. She definitely didn't want the boy to accidentally discover her notebooks.

But for now, she wanted to enjoy this 3rd year of middle school with the boy she's admired for over 6 years now.

'This year is going to be great for Izuku and me, I just know it.'


It was now lunchtime with both teens sitting on the roof as they've done for the past 2 years of middle school.

"Tomorrow the teacher will be handing out career aptitude tests for everyone to take. Do you have any idea what your results will be?" The young boy asked as he gently laid his head back on the wall.

"Well considering we both want to be heroes, I think I have an idea." The purple haired girl said as she gave a small laugh.

The quirkless boy nodded as he looked at her. "Yeah, that's right... U.A High School, the number one hero school in Japan. That's my goal. Since they've removed the rule of needing a quirk, I just have to apply with this chance I have."

"Well don't think you're going alone Midoriya, I've been doing some training recently and developing my quirk more. We'll both make it into U.A and show everyone at this school what we're made of." The teen girl said as her earphone jacks spun around a little.

Izuku felt himself tearing up at how much his friend truly believed in him and his dream. "I-I told myself I wouldn't cry... but thank you for believing in me, Jirou."

Kyouka smiled widely as she shook her head. "You don't have to thank me at all. It's just that I know you're going to make a great hero one day and what better place to do that than U.A? I know you say you want to go because it's where All Might went, but I think the school deserves you anyway."

The green haired boy only started to cry more at these words with a smile on his face. "I-I'm so lucky to have a great friend like you, Jirou."


The teen boy gave her a bit of a confused look as he wiped his tears. "H-Huh?"

"Call me Kyouka. We've known each other for 2 years and we are best friends. I think that's enough for the two of us to be on a first name basis. Don't you think so?" She asked her hero as his tears slowed down.

"Y-Yeah... thank you, Kyouka, for everything you've done for me." The aspiring hero said as he stopped crying.

"Anytime, Izuku, and I want to thank you as well. You've been my inspiration for wanting to be a hero and I know we'll both be great heroes together someday." Kyouka said as her smile only grew.

'I'm her inspiration? I can't disappoint her then. I'll make sure I'm someone who's worthy enough to be an inspiration.' The boy thought to himself with determination.

He then took a look at his notebook and stared at the hero costume design he drew up recently before closing it and looked at the front of the notebook.

Hero Analysis for the Future No.13

The two friends then enjoyed the rest of their lunchtime together as they always did, not knowing that tomorrow would change both of their lives forever.

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