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Izuku and Kyouka were standing in front of the gates of Yaoyorozu's home and were waiting for everyone else to arrive. In the meantime, Kyouka gave her hero questionable stares about a particular fashion choice he made today.

"So, Izuku...?"

"Yeah, Kyouka?" Izuku adjusted his glasses, two of his fingers resting on the bridge of the glasses.

"You're wearing glasses."

"That I am."

"You don't wear glasses. You can harm your eyesight like that, you know." Kyouka lightly scolded before starting to reach for his glasses to take them off. She wasn't going to have him risk his eyesight for some dumb reason.

Izuku took a step back to avoid her reach and waved his hands in front of himself defensively. "Don't worry, they're fake."

Kyouka stopped her arm, letting it drop at her side. "Okay, then... Why are you wearing fake glasses?"

Izuku adjusted his glasses again, giving a small smirk. "Well, I feel like I might be able to perform better as a co-tutor if I wear these."


"It's common knowledge that anyone with glasses is perceived as intelligent, right? So, if I wear these then everyone might think I'm smarter than I actually am."

"Do you... Do you not think you're that smart?" Kyouka asked, one of her eyes slightly twitching as she was ready to start giving him a scolding on just how smart he is.

"Don't worry, I have enough confidence in my intelligence." Izuku affirmed, unknowingly putting a stop to his best friend's eye twitch. "But I think these will boost their confidence in my abilities as a tutor and potentially pay more attention. It's simple psychology."

"Izuku, they're our classmates, not some kids who'll believe something like that. They know you don't wear glasses and it'll be pretty hard to convince them that you've been wearing contacts this whole time. They're not going to simply think you're more intelligent because of some fake glasses. They know how intelligent you already are so there's no need to try to sell it."

As much as Kyouka wanted to judge him some more, she couldn't help but check him out a bit in those glasses. 'Shit, he does look pretty cute in those though... He can sure pull off a nice pair of glasses. How would he look with some black frames or maybe tinted glasses...? Wonder if we'd look cute together if I had a fake pair myself...'

Kyouka's fantasy turned into some kind of fashion show with her and Izuku standing side by side on a catwalk, wearing all kinds of matching glasses.

However, before her fantasy could continue to include them wearing different kinds of matching outfits, she heard a bus stop right by the two friends. She turned towards the bus, seeing Kaminari, Mina, Ojiro, Toru, and Sero exiting the vehicle.

"Man, does all of this land belong to Yaoyorozu's family?" Kaminari asked as he looked around the area before seeing Izuku and dashing towards him, wrapping his arm around the other boy's shoulder. "Whoa, smarty pants, nice glasses!"

Sero nodded and gave Izuku a fist bump. "Yeah, dude! My faith in your tutoring skills just went up tenfold!"

"Really? Can't say the glasses change anything for me. I had full faith in Midoriya's skills as a tutor." Ojiro commented without anybody hearing him.

Izuku glanced at Kyouka and flashed a smirk at her for an instant, making the girl internally facepalm. 'Never mind, they are children who can fall for anything... I don't know if I should feel proud of Izuku for being right or ashamed of my classmates for allowing him to be right about this.'

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