Controlling Your Power

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There were only 2 more days left until the Sports Festival began and the two friends were walking home from school together as they always did, but words were filling the air at the moment.

Izuku was currently staring at the sidewalk as he cupped his chin, mumbling to himself. "There's so little time until the Sports Festival begins. Just how much more training can I squeeze in? I know I've improved my quirk since starting U.A, but is it enough? I still haven't perfected jumping wall to wall using my quirk and I still end up face planting against the building after the 3rd or 4th jump. I may have power, but mobility is something I'm still clearly lacking. I doubt short bursts of 5% powered jumps are going to be quite enough in the festival. And I have to take my time when I use a smash so I don't end up breaking my arm. Will I even have the time to perform a smash in the heat of the moment? There are so many things that can happen during the festival, it's impossible to make any predictions. What if..."

Kyouka then shook her hero by the shoulder, snapping him out of his mumbling before she smiled at him. "Hey, there's no need to stress yourself out over all of that. And you're going to make me nervous too, you know."

She would usually want to continue listening to Izuku's mumbling until he finished, but she didn't want to risk him making himself to be more nervous than he has to be for the festival.

The green haired boy blinked a bit as he looked at his friend before smiling back and rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry about that. With the festival only being 2 days away, it's hard to keep my mind off of it."

"You know, stressing out about something is only going to make your performance suffer. An unhealthy mindset always leads to disaster. You just gotta relax. I promise you that there's nothing to be stressed out about." The purple haired girl said as she took her hand off of his shoulder.

Izuku sighed as he gripped his backpack straps. "Okay... Relax... I can do that..."

Unfortunately, he couldn't hide the fact that he was still thinking about training as he started to fidget a little with the straps which could easily be noticed by anyone, especially by Kyouka.

"You know, we've been training almost nonstop since Mr. Aizawa told us about the Sports Festival. How about we unwind a little?" Kyouka suggested as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Unwind?" The green haired boy asked before thinking about and slowly nodding. "Alright, I guess a little relaxation couldn't hurt."

"Cool. How about we hang out at my house for today?" The purple haired girl asked as she raised an eyebrow. "My parents aren't going to be home until it's dark and it could be some nice peace and quiet for us to relax."

"That sounds perfect. But let me go to my house real quick to grab some weights." Izuku said as he started walking towards the direction of his house before being pulled back by his shirt.

"Unwind doesn't mean training with your weights. You will not be straining your muscles for the rest of the day. Now let's go." Kyouka demanded as she let go of her hero's shirt and began to walk towards the direction of her house.

Izuku stood still for a second and looked at the direction of his house before shaking his head and deciding to follow his best friend.

'Okay, I can relax. How hard can it be?'


The two friends were now at Kyouka's house as Kyouka stood in front of her dartboard with both of her earphone jacks holding darts. "Okay, watch this."

The young girl started to spin the two darts with her earphone jacks at a high speed before throwing the darts, hitting a bullseye with one dart and an outer bullseye with the other.

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