What to Do for Kyouka

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The day was July 31st, with now 7 months to go until the U.A entrance exam. All of the students were now on summer break, waiting for the 2nd term of school to start.

The moon was currently out tonight as the waves of Dagobah Municipal Beach Park were calmly hitting the beach shores.

A green haired boy stood near the shores of the beach, twiddling his fingers around as he had something on his mind. 'How could I make it work? There has to be a solution to this.'

By now Izuku would usually be thinking about the upcoming entrance exam, but tonight was different for a certain reason.

He usually wouldn't be out this late at night, but this was an important occasion and he didn't want his best friend around for this specific occasion.

"I AM HERE! COMING OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE A HERO!" All Might shouted as he appeared out of nowhere in his muscular form.

"Ahh!" The boy screamed, surprised by All Might before breathing out. "O-Oh I'm sorry, All Might. I didn't expect you so suddenly."

"No worries, young Midoriya!" The number one hero said as he put his hands on his hips. "Now may I ask why you texted me to meet you here tonight?! Is it about your training?!"

The quirkless boy shook his head as he looked up at his idol. "No that's not it, it's about Kyou-"

He was then cut off by the hero as he heard a booming laughter. "Oh, I see! It's about young Jirou! Well, young love is a mysterious thing, but I think I can give some great advice! HA HA HA HA!"

The teen's face became a bright red as he shook his head quickly, looking away. "N-No! T-That's not it at all All Might! I-I swear it's something completely different!"

"Really? Oh my bad for assuming that! Well, it is about young Jirou right?!" The muscular man asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Izuku nodded and sighed as he looked back at the man. "Yeah, it is... You see her birthday is tomorrow and I want to do something good for her this year. Last year all I did was give her a keychain of you outside her house. But both this year and last year, she came over to my house to celebrate my birthday with me and my mom."

"Ah I see, so you feel like you haven't done enough for young Jirou! Is that right young Midoriya?!" All Might asked as he looked at his successor.

"That's right, of course I don't want to do anything too big, but I don't want to just copy what I did last year and give her a gift outside of her house. There's also the gift, I doubt I can just get her another keychain this year. This year she managed to get me some limited edition figurines of you so I need something good." The young boy said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Don't sweat it, young Midoriya! Young Jirou seems like a good friend who wouldn't care what you got her! You'll be fine!" The hero said as she put his large hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Well that may be the case, but that still doesn't solve what I'll do for her birthday. Of course, I can always take her out to have lunch. But what if she accidentally misinterprets it and thinks of it as a date?!" The boy's face became red at the idea as he cupped his chin. "That would certainly lead to a huge misunderstanding and a disaster. What if she hates the idea of a date and feels disgusted? Maybe she'll think I'll have some ulterior motive. But she's known me for over 2 years, she wouldn't think that right? But maybe-"

He was then cut off by a large puff of smoke surrounding his hero.

"Come on kid it's simple! Just go to her house!" All Might shouted as he transformed into his scrawny form, spitting out blood.

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