Progress in Training

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One Month Later

Izuku was currently sitting on his couch at home, lifting a small dumbbell with his right hand as he watched t.v with his best friend right beside him.

Today was one of his free days and he was going to take advantage of it by watching one of his favorite events of the year.

The U.A Sports Festival.

He had already seen the first years have their turn at the festival a little while ago and now it was time for the second years to have their go at it.

"This is so amazing, just think about it, any one of these participants could be pro heroes in just a couple of years! Maybe one of them could be in the top 10 someday!" The young boy said, letting his inner fanboy come out.

"Just imagine, next year that could be us participating on t.v." His best friend said which made him widen his eyes and feel pretty nervous as his face became red.

"O-Oh yeah I didn't think about that. So many people will be watching huh?" The teen boy then held his dumbbell up high as he smiled. "Well then we'll just have to show everyone what we can do right?"

The purple haired girl nodded and laughed a little. "Look at you getting fired up a little. This part of you is fun to see."

"It's just that after all that's happened, I'm feeling better about our chances to get into U.A. We've both improved a fair amount in this past month. Just 9 more months until the entrance exam and for me to get stronger." Izuku said as his smile grew.

"Well, you're certainly making great progress. Before I would say we were around the same strength, but now you would definitely beat me if we had an arm wrestling match." The teen girl said with a smile as she twirled one of her earphone jacks around her finger.

"Yeah I've gotten a little stronger, but it's not enough. Sure, carrying around smaller tires has gotten a lot easier since I first started, but I need to get to the point where my body is ready enough." He said, trying his best to not let anything slip up with his mom being in the same room as the two of them.

"Would you two kids like some popcorn?" Inko asked as she grabbed a bag of popcorn.

"If it's not any trouble to you Mrs. Midoriya. I don't need you doing any extra work." The teen girl said to the woman as she looked back.

The green haired woman shook her head as she opened the microwave and placed the bag of popcorn inside. "Oh it's no effort at all, you two keep enjoying that sports festival."

Both teens nodded and continued to watch, but something strange suddenly happened with one of the participants. "Why the hell are his clothes coming off?!"

Kyouka covered her eyes immediately with a bright red face while her hero had a shocked look on his face. "W-What the heck..."

Both of them had witnessed a second year with blonde hair have his clothes just fall off of him at the beginning of the round. Izuku watched with wide eyes as the second year struggled to put his pants back on while the other students ran past him, looking embarrassed.

"T-That certainly leaves an impression to anyone watching. Even if he doesn't win, at least he'll be remembered." The young boy said, still not believing what he saw.

Kyouka rubbed her arms and shook her head, still disturbed at what she just witnessed. "G-God, I hope we never have to see him when we're in U.A. I'd rather forget what I just saw forever."

Hopefully, that image in her head would go away sooner or later. She'd rather not have an image like that appear in front of her eyes ever again.

She then turned to Izuku, watching him as he continued to enjoy the sports festival with the same enthusiasm he showed when watching the first years compete.

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