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This is Irey/Damian because I can 😁

The Valentine's Day oneshot is on its way... Will upload it on Saturday (:

Enjoy <3


Iris walked into the room, following his father and his twin brother. The 10-year-old looked around the Watchtower. She had only heard about it whenever her parents mentioned it in a conversation, and she'd always wanted to visit it.

Now that she was there, she was vibrating with excitement.

"Irey" her dad warned her "Calm down, sweetie"

The little speedster nodded, but kept running around and looking at everything. Wally couldn't help but grin.

"Are we going to see Batman?" Jai, the elder twin, asked his dad. He thought the Dark Knight was just a legend. Not real.

Batman was too cool to be real.

"Sure" the elder speedster responded "If he's here, I mean"

"I hope he is" Irey said, joining the conversation "Is he as scary as they say, daddy?"

Wally laughed out loud and ruffled his daughter's red hair "Not as scary as Mom when you run away from her at super speed" he grinned.

The three speedster entered the main room where another superheroes were chatting lively. Irey spotted Lian and waved at her. The little archer said something to her dad and went to reunite with her friends "Hello guys" she smiled like a Cheshire Cat. The irony.

"Have you seen Batman?" Irey asked her best friend.

Lian shook her head "No" she said, and she adjusted her mask "But I've heard he has a son my age"

"A son?" Jai arched an eyebrow "Daddy didn't tell us about that"

Irey shrugged and spotted Milagro Reyes at the other end of the room "Be right back, I wanna go see Milagro" she said before speeding off toward her friend.

But she caught something in her way.


She fell on the floor butt-first, so did the person she ran into. The room felt silent, and Flash ran over his daughter. Irey groaned and rubbed her nose.

"Sorry" she said, looking at the boy in front of her, wearing the angriest face expression she had ever seen "I didn't see you"

"Tt" the boy said. He stood up and fixed his cape "Who are you?"

"Damian" a voice said.

Bruce stood behind his son, his tone firm. Robin narrowed his eyes which were fixed on the speedster "Are you hurt?" He asked carefully, much to everyone's surprise.

Iris shook her head no "Good" he said, his blue eyes no longer on her, but on the ground "If you all excuse me"

He turned on his heels to meet his father. He was nowhere to be found in less than a minute. Wally got closer to his daughter, and put an arm over her shoulders protectively.

The younger ginger looked at his father "He seems nice" she said with an innocent voice. Wally's face went white.


Her little angel was not going to be around any former assassin. He wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let her see him again, let alone being his friend.

She was too good for him, to innocent. Damian was too dangerous for his daughter.

He wouldn't let them talk to each other again.

If only he knew.

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