Under the suit

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Im finished with all my exams! *cheers* And yes, in case you were wondering, that's the reason I haven't uploaded in like 9372 years. I apologize :(

This one shot is probably nothing like you're imagining, unless you can read minds. Then this is 100% what you imagine.

Enjoy <3


It was the last thing she expected. She would never have guessed what he was about to do, because she doubted he had more surprises in store for her.

She didn't find it weird when Wally had asked her out on a romantic dinner one morning, he liked to do that. What surprised her, however, was how keen he was to bring the twins.

"We never take them out to places like those" he complained.

She crossed her arms "That's because they aren't meant for small children"

In the end, Wally had won. The almost 4-year-olds were excited to dress up and go out with their parents at such an hour, when they usually were getting ready to go to bed.

She didn't notice any weirdness going on during the dinner, which went abnormally okay. The twins behaved like no one would've thought, and both heroes were astonished.

They decided to go for a walk after dinner. The twins raced and murmured things to their father, then giggled. That's when she noticed there was something going on.

"What are you up to?" She asked them, mid-laughing. The twins giggled again.

"Daddy wants to ask you something" Iris said, then looked at her father's tall figure.

Jinx's mind ran quickly through possible options. Marriage? No, they were already married. More kids? He wouldn't ask that in front of their other kids... Then what? What did he have to ask so important that it involved the twins?

She felt Wally grabbing her hand, and she immediately stopped thinking. She looked at his bright blue eyes.

"Jinx" he was smiling, so were Iris and Jai "I love you"

She rolled her eyes. He was so cheesy under any circumstances "I know" she smiled and squeezed his hand. She still didn't know what he was up to "Is that all you had to tell me?"

He shook his head. He gestured Jai and the little brown-haired speedster gave his father a velvet box. Wally opened it slowly to reveal a beautiful silver ring "Wally..." Jinx's eyes were wet before she even noticed "But...we are already-"

"I know we are already married" The older speedster said, getting to his knee and fitting the ring on her finger "But we didn't get the chance to have a wedding, one you deserve for being a fantastic wife and an even better mother" Jinx was crying by the end of his speech. Iris hugged her mother, crying too "So I want to marry you again" he smiled "What do you say? Will you marry me again, Jinx?"

She shook her head yes, pulling Wally up by the hands. She pressed her lips against his with delight and desire, gaining a few 'yucks' from the younger speedsters.

They were about to involve tongue when they remembered that two 4-year-olds were watching them, or probably covering their eyes at the sudden affection. It wasn't like they never saw their parents kissing. But the more they saw them, the more it disgusted them.

"Alright, alright" Wally laughed after pulling away and looking at the twins "You can look now, it's safe"

"Don't you ever do that again, mommy, daddy" Jai said, looking at his parents in disgust.

Irey was soon tugging at Jinx's dress "Mommy, mommy" she looked at her with innocent blue eyes "Can I be the flower girl like in Uncle Dick's wedding, mommy? Can I?"

"Of course you can, baby" she hugged her daughter and kissed her forehead "You'll look like a princess"

"Daddy, can I wear my Flash tee shirt to the wedding?" Jai asked Wally, his green eyes pleading.

Wally shook his head "Sorry bud, but you have to dress nicely" Jai pouted and his father ruffled his hair. He leaned down and whispered in his ear "I'll let you wear your Flash tee shirt under your suit, but don't tell mommy"

Jai's face lit up, and the future Impulse brought his little finger to his mouth "Shh" he hissed "I won't tell"

Wally smiled "That's my boy"

He was also going to wear his Flash tee shirt under his suit after all.


PS: I need requests :3

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